• Italia

    Ocse: Pil Italia +0,8% nel 2016. Nel 2017 su dello 0,9%

    In Italia il Pil crescerà dello 0,8% nel 2016, dello 0,9% nel 2017 e dell'1% nel 2018. Lo afferma l'Ocse nell'Economic Outlook di novembre. Rispetto alle prospettive economiche di...

  • USA Malta

    Maltese academics not consulted about Maltese language law amendments

    You are objecting strongly to Minister Evarist Bartolo’s proposed amendments to the Language Act. Are you opposed to any changes whatsoever?The Maltese Language Act was set up 10 years ago and it is only natural that some changes would be needed from time to time so as to enable the ...

  • Portogallo Grecia Malta Estonia Cipro Finlandia Italia

    OHSA commended for its actions by a European team of Evaluators

    The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) has been commended following an evaluation exercise conducted on behalf of the European Commission by representatives of the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) in October. The 8 person-strong evaluation team was headed by Finland and included members from Estonia, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Cyprus ...

  • Malta

    Political parties’ lip service on minimum wage ‘short-sighted, irresponsible and unacceptable’

    The “lip service” from the political parties on raising minimum wage without consultation from the employer representatives was “short-sighted, irresponsible and unacceptable”, and was nothing more than “a vote grabbing exercise rather than reasoned dialogue”, the Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Employer’s Association told The Malta Independent.Conversely, the General ...

  • Russia Turchia USA Panama Regno Unito Malta Italia

    European decisions may not be in Malta's interests - Alfred Sant

    Decisions taken by the European Union in the next two and a half years may not be in Malta’s interests. Malta will be affected directly if the EU becomes a military union due to the island’s geographical position on the borders of the EU. Malta’s Constitution prohibits Malta to join ...

  • USA

    Foreign Minister’s daughter claims discrimination after being 'denied promotion opportunity'

    Foreign Affairs Minister George Vella’s daughter Elaine Scicluna, is claiming that she is being prejudiced against by HSBC who included a clause in a circular advertising a position saying that politically exposed persons, or their family members, cannot apply.The situation revolves around a call for applications to the post of ...

  • Qatar Regno Unito Malta Kuwait

    Lord Mayor of London Andrew Parmley to visit Malta

    The Lord Mayor of London, Dr. Andrew Parmley, will be visiting Malta this week to discuss the virtues of a strong economic partnership between Malta and the City of London. The Lord Mayor will be accompanied by a delegation from the British Bankers Association, and the Chairman of Commonwealth Enterprise ...

  • USA Malta

    Editorial: Come off it, you’re both ‘the establishment’

    ‘The establishment’ seems to have become the catchphrase of the day in Malta, with both the country’s two main political parties having pointed accusatory fingers at each other and calling each other ‘the establishment’.But in today’s post-truth, or shall we say post-Trump, politics, who is the real establishment?‘The establishment’ is ...

  • USA

    Unease as Zimbabwe rolls out ‘surrogate’ dollars

    Zimbabwe on Monday starts issuing “bond notes”, its own currency equivalent to the US dollar in a bid to ease critical cash shortages amid widespread fears of a return to hyperinflation. The crisis-hit southern African country has used multiple foreign currencies, including the greenback since 2009 after a rate of ...

  • Nigeria

    Ebonyi govt to begin seizure of foreign rice

    Ebonyi state government has set up a Task force to move into Ebonyi markets and confiscate foreign rice found. The State Governor, David Umahi who had merely pronounced ban on foreign rice earlier, disclosed this while performing the ground breaking ceremony of ultra-modern Kpirikpiri market on Monday. The governor insisted that ...