• Regno Unito

    Hard Brexit will cost UK tens of billions a year, ministers are told

    Treasury coffers will take a £66 billion (€73bn) annual hit if Britain goes for a so-called hard Brexit, Cabinet ministers have been warned. Leaked government papers suggest leaving the single market and switching to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would cause GDP to fall by up to 9.5 per cent compared with ...

  • Paraguay

    Empresas turísticas organizan workshop

    Empresas turísticas paraguayas podrán reunirse con 30 asociaciones y sociedades científicas internacionales, agencias de incentivos y operadores turísticos de Latinoamérica y Europa, en un workshop (rueda de negocios) que se realizará el próximo 14 de octubre en el Sheraton Asunción Hotel, de l0.00 a 12.00, en el marco del ...

  • Spagna

    Economía.- Indra modernizará los sistemas de operación de la red de transmisión de energía en Eslovaquia por 23 millones

    MADRID, 11 (EUROPA PRESS) Indra ha firmado un contrato con Slovenská Electrizacná Prenosová Sústava (SEPS), el operador de la red de transporte de energía de Eslovaquia, para modernizar su sistema de control y despacho por un importe de 23 millones de euros, informó la compañía.

  • Malta

    Political parties should choose commissioner for public standards - Speaker

    Speaker Anglu Farrugia reiterated his call for more respect towards one another during Parliamentary sessions and for members of the House to utilise their time better. In comments to The Malta Independent, Dr Farrugia has insisted on the need for Parliament to be more efficient. He referred to one particular ...

  • Regno Unito

    France says UK has 'moral duty' to take Calais migrant children

    France's interior minister says Britain has a "moral duty" to take in all children with family links to the UK who are living in a border refugee camp on the French side of the English Channel.Bernard Cazeneuve made the comments on RTL radio Monday, ahead of a London meeting with ...

  • Malta

    Ombudsman welcomes definitive judgement authorising registration of child born at sea

    The Parliamentary Ombudsman today welcomed the definitive judgement of the Court of Appeal delivered on 30 September 2016, authorising and ordering the Director of the Public Registry to register the birth of a child born at sea.Her mother, of Somali origin, gave birth on a boat carrying 70 other irregular ...

  • USA Malta

    August trade deficit up by €16.8 million when compared to same month of 2015

    Preliminary figures show that Malta registered a trade deficit of €203.8 million in August 2016, compared to €187.0 million in the corresponding month of 2015, figures from the National Statistics Office show.Provisional data for international trade show that the trade defcit in August stood at €203.8 million, up by €16.8 ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    The Malta Independent editorial: Lest we forget

    We have some more questions regarding this issue of Beppe Fenech Adami and the company he is alleged to have been involved with.Let us start from basics: the MaltaToday report alleges that allegations that surfaced in Holland before the election somehow did not find adequate correspondence and investigation in Malta.We ...

  • USA

    Reforms needed to fister entrepreneurship, French Central Bank governor tells Alfred Sant

    French Central Bank Governor, François Villeroy de Galhau told Maltese MEP Alfred Sant that Europe needs reforms fostering entrepreneurship and emphasised that trust is essential in the creation of new investments in Europe. Monsieur Galhau, addressing the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament (ECON), said Europe needs much more trust, otherwise it is ...

  • USA

    Trump puts Clinton sex abuse claims at centre of election campaign

    Donald Trump on Monday put the claim that Bill Clinton was a sexual predator whose wife attacked the victims at the center of his flailing presidential campaign, insisting his own vulgar words about women in 2005 weren't as bad as the Clintons' alleged deeds two decades ago."I was getting beaten ...