• Nigeria

    Commissioner reassures of Bello’s commitment to develop Kogi West

    The Kogi State Commissioner of Finance, Alhaji Idris Asiwaju-Asiru has assured Okun-Yoruba speaking people of the state government’s commitment to develop the area after years of neglect by previous administrations. He stated this on Tuesday at Isanlu, the headquarters of Yagba East Local Government, adding that road rehabilitation and provision ...

  • Nigeria

    ACCA introduces new accountancy qualifications

    …calls for guidance to navigate FinTech regulatory hurdles The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has introduced major innovations to its Master’s level qualification, which it said is tailored to meet the strategic challenges of the 21st century’s “disruptive economy”. They are the Strategic Professional level exams, which will replace ...

  • Italia

    Terremoto, il CdM approva il "vademecum della ricostruzione"

    (Teleborsa) - Ok del Consiglio dei Ministri (CdM) al decreto legge sul terremoto in Centro Italia dello scorso 24 agosto. Lo ha annunciato il premier Matteo Renzi con un tweet: "approvato...

  • Francia

    L’AIE constate des progrès

    Des progrès ont été réalisés ces dernières années en matière d’efficacité énergétique dans le monde, a indiqué hier un nouveau rapport de l’Agence international de l’énergie (AIE). Malgré la baisse des prix de l’énergie, le rapport a enregistré des «gains» d’efficacité dans la transformation énergétique, soulignant que les économies ont ...

  • Algeria

    Fight against informal economy: ILO "hails" Algeria's efforts

    ORAN- Frederic Lapeyre, expert at the International Labour Organization (ILO), hailed in a debate held at Oran's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIO), "the efforts made by Algeria to ensure transition from informal economy to formal economy." "We hail the efforts spent by the Algerian government for the policy ...

  • USA

    Investment: Bouchouareb receives representatives of US companies

    ALGIERS-Minister of Industry and Mines Abdessalem Bouchouareb held talks Monday in Algiers with representatives of various US companies operating in Algeria, and those interested in investment opportunities in the country, the ministry announced in a statement. Bouchouareb received CEO of General Electric Jeffrey Immelt. GE engaged in a partnership ...

  • USA Yemen

    Young girls still facing heavy responsibilities and violence - UNICEF

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo, WorldGirls between 5 and 14 years old spend 40% more time, or 160 million more hours a day, on unpaid chores and collecting water & firewood compared to boys their age. Young girls still facing heavy responsibilities and violence by YVES WILLEMOT Girls between ...

  • USA

    Communities involvement is key to reducing disaster mortality

    Source: UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Country: Bangladesh, Haiti, Jamaica, Philippines, WorldStrengthening disaster risk governance and coordination, combined with participation of affected populations, has proved successful in reducing disaster mortality.By Huw Beynon NEW YORK, 11 October 2016 - The risk of dying in a hurricane or flood is lower today than ...

  • Ghana

    Tanzania: Investments On Call As Four New Envoys Present Credentials

    [Daily News] President John Magufuli has invited business persons and investors from Sudan, Slovakia, Ukraine and Ghana to come and invest in various sectors of the economy in Tanzania.

  • Sudafrica

    South Africa: Twinsaver Invests R580 Million in Equipment

    [CAJ News] Johannesburg -THE multimillion-Rand investment in production equipment by local tissue manufacturing company, Twinsaver, will boost supplies to the local and export markets as well as maintain the company's leading position in the sector.