Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The Commission is hopeful that digital technologies can play a very powerful role in driving positive cooperation among the Member States
Reinvention happens all the time. We see many businesses rebranding to match consumer trends, while we see others making 360-degree changes inside and out, from the way they run the business to how they serve customers. The reality of our world is that change drives us toward constant reinvention and ...
SYDNEY: US technology giant Google went on the offensive Monday against an Australian plan forcing digital giants to pay for news content, telling users their personal data would be "at risk".
Non isolate misure ma una vera e propria offensiva Usa contro le aziende tech cinesi dove gli americani non sembrano disposti a scendere a patti come con i dazi
As the pandemic prompts a migration from cities, companies are debating whether to follow the people
Das State Partnership Program war eigentlich für Ex-Ostblock-Staaten gedacht. Wissenschafter und Diplomaten äußern sich dazu zwischen Kritik und Abwägung
The Nigerian Export and Import Bank (NEXIM) has sought the support of the Nigerian Navy to connect Nigeria with the Economic Community of West African States trade corridor. The Managing Director of NEXIM Alhaji Abba Bello said the bank has over the years noticed gaps in linking Nigerian trade to ...
Turkey's foreign minister will pay official visits to the Caribbean region next week, the ministry said on Aug. 14.
President also ramps up pressure on Chinese tech by ending waiver allowing sales to Huawei
Als erstes Land, das früher nicht zum Warschauer Pakt gehörte, wird Österreich dem "State Partnership Program" (SPP) beitreten.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Unlike the governments of Lula and Dilma, who increased resources for education from R$18 billion (US$3.5 billion) to R$115.7 billion between 2002 and 2014, the equivalent of a 218 percent real increase, the government of Jair Bolsonaro is cutting more resources. The Ministry of Economy ...
Com safra recorde de grãos e aumento nas exportações, o agronegócio brasileiro foi essencial para segurar a atividade econômica durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus, disse hoje (14) a ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina. Em entrevista ao programa A Voz do Brasil, programa da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), ela destacou a safra ...
A China foi a principal fonte de contribuição para o superávit da balança comercial do Brasil, com importações de US$ 4,5 bilhões em julho e de US$ 21,9 bilhões no acumulado do ano até julho. Nos primeiros sete meses do ano, houve também saldo positivo com a América do Sul, de ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil, faced with the most severe Covid-19 outbreak in Latin America, emerges with the mildest recession in the region this year, driven by a faster economic reopening and temporary stimulus measures. Behind only the US as the global epicenter of the virus, the country has ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The economic rebound, after the shock triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, could generate two million jobs and add R$2.8 trillion (US$560 billion) to Brazil's GDP, in addition to helping the country become more resilient to climate change, if investments are directed towards a greener economy. ...
(Teleborsa) - Crescono meno delle attese le vendite al dettaglio negli Stati Uniti. Nel mese di luglio si è registrato infatti un aumento mensile dell'1,2% a 536 miliardi di dollari, dopo il +8,4%...
Num dia de ajustes no mercado de câmbio, o dólar devolveu parte da alta acumulada nos últimos dias e registrou o maior recuo diário em três semanas. O dólar comercial encerrou esta quinta-feira (13) vendido a R$ 5,368, com queda de R$ 0,085 (-1,56%). Essa foi a maior queda diária desde ...
O Brasil receberá US$ 1 bilhão em empréstimos financiados pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID). O acordo foi anunciado na tarde de hoje (3) e a verba será usada no pagamento de novas parcelas do auxílio emergencial e do Programa Bolsa Família. Em nota divulgada pela instituição, o banco informa que ...
New Jersey is one of seven states where health clubs have been barred from reopening. The governor says it’s too soon, but some gym owners are rebelling.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris launched their joint White House bid Wednesday, with the newly-minted vice presidential nominee saying Americans are "crying out for leadership" to overcome the triple crisis of a pandemic, racial injustice and a ravaged economy.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Azul Conecta, the new airline subsidiary for regional flights chaired by American John Rodgerson, was launched on Tuesday morning, August 11th. The company is the result of the acquisition of TwoFlex, completed in early 2020, before the pandemic, for R$123 million (US$23 million). Despite the ...