Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Sales at US big-box chain leap 24% as gap between strongest and weakest retailers widens
Jordan Belfort signs up as coach on training platform RagingBull
With the border shut indefinitely, American Melissa McKendrick-Marano has managed to get employment in NZ during the Covid-19 pandemic, so how did she do it?
Trump expressed frustration about China's handling of the health crisis and its failure to contain the disease
The study reveals that there is a large market for SMEs in EAC partner states in various sectors
The federal government through the ministry of communications and digital economy has commenced the Service-Wide Capacity Building on e-Government with the directorate cadre of the service from various Ministries, Extra-Ministerial, Department and Agencies (MDAs) and states civil servants. The directorate Cadre from Grade Level 15-17 batches A & B had ...
Segundo a Secretaria de Comércio Exterior, a mudança vai garantir economia de mais de R$ 23 milhões com o pagamento de taxas que eram cobradas para a obtenção desses documentos A Secretaria de Comércio Exterior do Ministério da Economia eliminou a exigência de licenças automáticas de importação ...
México, Argentina e Chile pedem um adiamento do pleito em função da pandemia O governo brasileiro informou ser favorável à manutenção da data da eleição do presidente do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), que está marcada para os dias 12 e 13 de setembro, em reunião ...
Business and politics converge in pursuit of Chinese-owned video app’s US operations
Businesses around the world, hamstrung by lockdowns, are facing often-existential showdowns with insurance companies that are reluctant to pay
Miami restaurant owner Luis Debayle has laid off two-thirds of his staff and is desperate for an insurance payout.
The Center for Biological Diversity estimates the deal will improve fuel economy 3.7 percent year over year between 2022 and 2026.
(Teleborsa) - Continua il recupero del mercato edilizio USA. Secondo il Dipartimento del Commercio statunitense i nuovi cantieri avviati, a luglio sono aumentati del 22,6% 1,496 milioni di unità, a...
O Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina (CAF) aprovou um empréstimo de US$ 350 milhões para o Ministério da Economia aplicar nas medidas de enfrentamento à crise provocada pela pandemia no novo coronavírus. O financiamento complementará as ações do governo em curso que reduzam o impacto sobre os setores econômicos ...
Num dia de turbulências no mercado financeiro, o dólar encostou em R$ 5,50 e fechou no maior valor em quase três meses. O dólar comercial encerrou esta segunda-feira (17) vendido a R$ 5,496, com alta de R$ 0,068 (+1,26%). A cotação está no maior nível desde 22 de maio, quando ...
“What is it that the government has against small businesses? Don’t they realise we are the lifeline of the economy? Why is it so hard and difficult for us to survive?” asked Rumy Balsara as he questioned the National Party candidate for Botany, Christopher Luxon. The Q & A ...
Former Pakuranga MP Maurice Williamson is soon to end his time as Consul-General in Los Angeles. Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters recently announced the appointment of Jeremy Clarke-Watson as New Zealand’s new Consul-General in Los Angeles. Clarke-Watson will take up his role this month, replacing Williamson who was appointed Consul-General ...
A previsão do mercado financeiro para a queda da economia brasileira este ano foi ajustada de 5,62% para 5,52%. A estimativa de recuo do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) – a soma de todos os bens e serviços produzidos no país – está no boletim Focus, publicação divulgada todas as semanas ...
The emerging-market rally that has all but wiped out the losses since the start of the coronavirus pandemic looks headed for a late-August reappraisal amid a resurgence of trade tensions and delays to a US stimulus.
Business logic has been displaced by strategic rivalry
Das State Partnership Program wirft für Grüne und Opposition Fragen auf – im Verteidigungsressort wartet man zunächst auf die Pläne der US-Botschaft