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  • MoE to participate in UAE-Serbia Business Forum on May 19

    The three-day forum seeks to enhance bilateral cooperation and increase investment between companies and businessmen in both countries

  • Serbia's new government to overhaul economy

    Serbia's new prime minister on Sunday promised a total overhaul of the economy in the Balkan country that went through a decade of war and international isolation in the 1990s, but is now seeking EU membership.

  • Serbia votes in snap polls amid gloomy economy

    Serbians began voting in snap elections Sunday, with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) tipped to capitalise on a wave of public support after successfully opening EU membership talks.

  • Serbia: 7 miliardi di euro di investimenti dalla Russia

    RUSSIA Mosca. 04/11/13. Alla Business Conference russa-serba, che si è svolta il 30 ottobre a Mosca, l'economia della Serbia ha presentato agli investitori russi 75 progetti per un valore complessivo di quasi 7 Leggi tutto...

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