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  • Hungary’s sustained attack on the rights of refugees and migrants

    Source: Amnesty International Country: Afghanistan, Hungary, Serbia, WorldThousands of asylum-seekers are suffering violent abuse, illegal push backs and unlawful detention at the hands of Hungary’s authorities and a system blatantly designed to deter them, said Amnesty in a new report. Hungary: Appalling treatment of asylum-seekers a deliberate populist ploy Thousands of asylum-seekers – ...

  • Lamamra holds discussions, in Venezuela, with Serbian, Iraqi counterparts

    ALGIERS- Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra held discussions with his counterparts from Serbia, Iraq and and the Head of the Nicaragua delegation on the sidelines of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of Non-Aligned Movement which took place Saturday, Sunday, in…

  • Exportiamo Incontra

    Serbia, un'economia dinamica e business-friendly

    I segnali incoraggianti a livello economico, il forte apprezzamento per i macchinari italiani e la facilità con cui si può costituire una società sul territorio serbo. Questi sono alcuni dei temi trattati con Giovanni Mafodda, direttore di ICE Belgrado, che ha anche parlato nel dettaglio di tutte le attività che ...

  • Nations condemn use of cluster bombs in Syria

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Syrian Arab RepublicAt Geneva meeting first responders, local activists and journalists reported at least eight cluster munition attacks in Syria, some of which, they said, killed and injured civilians, including children.Deadly Attacks in Syria as Treaty Members Meet (Geneva, September 8, 2016) – Nations attending the annual ...

  • Keane retires from Republic of Ireland duty

    Robbie Keane has announced that the Republic of Ireland’s friendly against Oman in Dublin on August 31 will be his last international. Earlier yesterday, Keane was named in the Republic’s squad for the Oman game and the opening World Cup qualifier against Serbia on September 5. However, Keane later released ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    La Serbia, porta di ingresso per i Balcani e la Russia

    La Serbia è un Paese che gode di una posizione geografica favorevole confinando con i principali mercati dell’Est Europeo (Ungheria, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Bosnia ed Erzegovina e Croazia) ed intrattenendo anche intense relazioni commerciali con Paesi come Italia e Germania. Lo Stato è considerato strategico per il “Vecchio Continente” ...

  • Approximately 1,400 refugees in dire conditions at Hungarian-Serbian border

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Hungary, Serbia, WorldUNHCR has continued to receive reports of abuse and violence occurring when people were apprehended within the transit zones, or in police detention facilities.Agency worried by reports of violence and worsening conditions at Hungarian-Serbian border By: Zsolt Balla | 15 ...

  • UN warns of worsening situation for refugees at Serbia-Hungary border

    Source: UN Country Team in Serbia Country: Hungary, Serbia, WorldAgencies note that increased restrictive measures that ignore proper asylum procedures could encourage refugees to seek more dangerous routes into Europe, exposing them to smugglers.Belgrade, 08 July 2016 - UN Agencies in Serbia express their concern over a further deterioration of the ...

  • Capping the humanitarian segment, ECOSOC adopts text urging better protection of people trapped in crisis, aid workers

    Source: UN Economic and Social Council Country: Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldBy the resolution, the Council condemned all attacks and threats humanitarian personnel, expressing deep concern at the consequences of such attacks for the provision of aid.ECOSOC/6778 2016 Session, 33rd & 34th Meetings (AM & PM) Economic and ...

  • More than 100 NGOs tell EU to reject 'dangerous' migration response plan

    Source: Concern Worldwide, Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, ActionAid, Amnesty International, Ayuda en Acción, Habitat for Humanity, Jesuit Refugee Service, Trócaire, ZOA, Islamic Relief, Norwegian Refugee Council, INTERSOS, Pax Christi, CARE, Terre des hommes, Concord, Cordaid, Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Médecins du Monde, ...

  • UNHCR and partners revise funding needs for Greece & Balkans

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, WorldAn update of the regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) needs almost US$ 670 million this year, of which contributions of US$ 328.8 million have been received so ...

  • Turkish hospital group keen on expanding abroad through acquisitions

    Turkey’s Acıbadem Hospitals Group, which recently bought Bulgaria’s largest health groups for 125 million euros, is now considering investments in Serbia and Romania in a bid to double growth figures over the next five years, group chair Mehmet Ali Aydınlar has said

  • 31 Mag SERBIA: Opportunità d’affari e cooperazione

    Evento organizzato da Confindustria Abruzzo, Confindustria Chieti Pescara, Unindustria, Confindustria Serbia. Perché la Serbia? Perché è riconosciuta nel mondo come leader nelle riforme per incentivare gli affari e gli investimenti nel Sud-Est dell'Europa; Perché offre mano d'opera estremamente qualificata ed un accesso al 15% del mercato mondiale delle esportazioni, senza pagamento di dazi ...

  • 18 Feb BEO WINE FAIR 2016

    Fiera internazionale in Serbia sul settore vini e spirits. Opportunità di business con operatori del settore e buyers professionali

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Serbia: un partner strategico per Italia e Unione Europea

    La Serbia ha una storia lunga e complessa, attraversata da molteplici tensioni ancora non pienamente risolte ma deve esser considerato un partner altamente strategico per l’Italia, sia per evidenti ragioni geografiche - che la rendono uno snodo fondamentale al centro dei Balcani - sia perché rappresenta il primo fornitore di ...

  • 18 Nov Focus on Balcani - Unindustria

    L'incontro, organizzato da Unindustria in collaborazione con Unicredit e Confindustria Balcani, vuole illustrare le modalità per operare in un’area a forte sviluppo ed in particolare in Bulgaria, Serbia e Romania Il prossimo mercoledì 18 Novembre a Roma presso la Sala Argento della sede di Unindustria, in via Andrea Noale 206, si ...

  • 15 Apr Country Breakfast: the Balkans

    Country breakfast organizzato dallo Studio Legale Nunziante Magrone dedicato ad una intera regione: i Balcani. Un panel formato da speaker di altissimo livello che aiuteranno a meglio comprendere e valutare rischi ed opportunità per chi voglia operare nei Paesi balcanici.Per ulteriori informazioni clicca qui

  • Serbia eyes UAE investments to boost trade

    Serbian Business and Investment Forum exhibition to be held in January to showcase investment opportunities

  • Serbia’s parliament adopts 2015 budget, sets deficit at 6% of GDP

    General government deficit seen at 4 per cent of GDP

  • Serbia Seeks Limited Free-Trade Regime With Russia

    Serbia has asked Russia for a free-trade regime for certain classes of goods, news agency TASS reported Tuesday, citing Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak.

  • Serbia finance minister resigns over reform pace

    Serbia's finance minister has resigned, saying he disagreed with the prime minister over the pace of reform and the austerity measures needed to restart the Balkan country's economy.

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