Vai alla Scheda Paese »The limit of every pain is an even greater pain.
— Emil Cioran
The limit of every pain is an even greater pain.
— Emil Cioran
Hili Properties, the real estate division of Hili Ventures, has finalised the acquisition of ART Business Centre in Romania’s capital Bucharest, following an investment in excess of €30 million, a company statement said today.Located in the affluent Nordului neighbourhood in northern Bucharest, the nine-storey property boasts 18,600 square metres of ...
This morning, a doctor could be heard telling the court houw the former partner of Yana Mintoff Bland had four stab wounds when he was admitted to hospital.Last October, Ms Mintoff made headlines when it was reported that she and her son had been rushed to hospital after they were ...
There are almost 6,000 Italians working in Malta, making them the largest group of EU nationals earning a living here, official figures show. Italians made up almost a quarter of the 24,483 workers from the EU, according to statistics for September 2016. The British were the second largest group with 4,218 working ...
U.S.-based pro-democracy group Freedom House said Tuesday that a "spectacular breakdown of democracy" has been taking place in Poland and Hungary, two countries that stood as models of democratic change after the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe.The watchdog organization's report said that Hungary now has the lowest democracy score in the Central ...
PN leader Simon Busuttil, in his speech concluding the European People's Party congress today, said that it is a real pity that because of Brexit, Article 50 became the most commonly known article from the treaty of the European Union. He said that, on the other hand, it should be ...
In Romania ci sono sempre meno medici: da quando il paese è entrato a far parte dell’Unione europea, nel 2007, molti sono andati a lavorare all’estero, soprattutto in Francia, Germania e Regno Unito. Leggi
PN Leader Simon Busuttil said today that the moment politicians give up their integrity, they will lose everything.Dr Busuttil was delivering the opening address at the EPP congress being held at the Hilton Malta.“I address you as the PN leader, the party in opposition. I address you as the same ...
Germany, England and Poland all took another step toward World Cup qualification but the Netherlands' failure to do the same cost national coach Danny Blind his job on Sunday.The Dutch football association fired Blind one day after his team's humiliating 2-0 defeat to Bulgaria in Sofia — a result that ...
WikiLeaks published thousands of documents Tuesday described as secret files about CIA hacking tools the government employs to break into users' computers, mobile phones and even smart TVs from companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung.The documents describe clandestine methods for bypassing or defeating encryption, antivirus tools and other protective security ...
49 persons were caught entering Malta with false documents since the start of 2016, with 14 people being caught while Schengen was temporarily closed, the Police have confirmed with The Malta Independent.The numbers show that 28% of people using false documents were caught during a 20-day period when Schengen was ...
The Ministry for Tourism and the Malta Tourism Authority are pleased to announce that the 16th edition of the Malta International Fireworks Festival will be taking place on three nights between Saturday 22 April and Sunday 30 April 2017.The Festival will be taking place in three different locations around the Maltese Islands, namely ...
Via libera del parlamento romeno al referendum sulla legge anticorruzione. Il parlamento romeno ha dato parere favorevole al referendum che propone una legge per combattere la corruzione nel paese. Il referendum è stato proposto dal presidente Klaus Iohannis in risposta al decreto che prevedeva la depenalizzazione dell’abuso d’ufficio. Il presidente ...
In Romania si è dimesso il ministro della giustizia. Florin Iordache si è dimesso in seguito all’ondata di proteste scatenate dal decreto sulla corruzione, poi abrogato dal governo socialdemocratico. Iordache ha difeso il decreto dicendo che è legale e costituzionale. Il premier Sorin Grindeanu aveva attribuito al ministro della giustizia ...
The largest anti-government crowds since the violent 1989 revolution that toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu succeeded Sunday in pressuring Romania's new government to repeal a hastily adopted decree that would have eased penalties for official corruption.The law, opposed by the influential Romanian Orthodox Church, would have weakened the country's emerging anti-corruption effort, which ...
La Romania ha venti milioni di abitanti. Gli Stati Uniti sedici volte di più. La Romania non ha un grande peso sulla scena internazionale. Gli Stati Uniti sono la prima potenza economica e militare del mondo. Eppure entrambi hanno dato una lezione di democrazia al mondo protestando, in nome della ...
Non si fermano in Romania le proteste contro il governo, neanche dopo il ritiro il contestato disegno di legge sulla corruzione. Il 6 febbraio almeno 500mila persone sono scese in piazza contro una nuova versione del decreto allo studio presso il ministero della giustizia. Leggi
Continuano le proteste contro il governo in Romania. Per oggi è prevista una nuova manifestazione nazionale, anche se il governo ha ritirato il contestato disegno di legge sulla corruzione. L’opposizione chiede le dimissioni del premier Sorin Grindeanu, che però intende restare al suo posto. Grindeanu inoltre ha chiesto al ministro ...
Nearly 300,000 people marched against a law giving pardon to corruption crimes.
Imponenti manifestazioni contro il governo della Romania. La sera del 1 febbraio sono scesi in piazza circa 200mila romeni, in quelle che sono state descritte come le proteste più ampie dalla fine del comunismo, per condannare l’approvazione d’urgenza di un decreto che depenalizza alcuni reati di corruzione. L’esecutivo guidato dal ...
It maybe stems from the campaign which led to Malta’s accession into the EU – that joining the EU would protect us from the excesses in our midst.One must remember that the PN came up with a clear commitment to join the EU at the first opportunity just a few ...
Clare Hollingworth, a British war correspondent who was the first to report the Nazi invasion of Poland that marked the beginning of World War II, died in Hong Kong on Tuesday. She was 105.The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Hong Kong announced her death, calling her a beloved member with a ...