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  • Can you imagine having a prostitute at school on career day?

    The European Women’s Lobby is the largest women’s umbrella organisation of women’s organisations in the EU.  The European Women’s lobby has a clear position on prostitution, she said. “When speaking about prostitution we must firstly speak about violence against women. We have to discuss whether there is really free choice ...

  • Juncker calls for ‘full transparency’ when non-EU businesses buy European assets

    European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker today described the need for “full transparency” when foreign public businesses, coming from outside the EU, purchase European ports, businesses, assets in energy sector and technology.Giving is state of the European Union address in Strasbourg, Juncker said that full transparency is essential for the common ...

  • FIRST: Freedom of Speech... The Battle that shaped an Entire Maltese generation

    Freedom of speech is the privilege of the dead. At least according to Mark Twain who in his acidic 1905 essay, 'The Privilege of the Grave', concluded bitterly that "murder is sometimes punished, free speech always."More than two hundred years have passed and our chests inflate with the assurance that ...

  • Strip clubs ‘serve to give a more acceptable façade to a dirty business’ – Women’s Rights NGO

    The Malta Confederation of Women' Organisations (MCWO ) has said that, since 2013, they have been reiterating that strip clubs, prostitution and trafficking are inextricably linked together and strip clubs just serve to give a  'more acceptable façade' to the situation. The Confederation believes that the government should look at ...

  • Malta listed as one of 20 EU countries where risk of modern slavery is rising

    A report on modern slavery published last Thursday has listed Malta as one of the 20 countries within the European Union were the risk of modern slavery has risen over the last year, seeing an accumulated rise in modern slavery throughout Europe. The report, titled ‘Modern Slavery Index 2017’ is ...

  • No contaminated eggs in Malta – Ministry for Health

    No contaminated eggs have been imported to Malta, a spokesperson for the Ministry for Health has told The Malta Independent on Sunday. The EU Commission had confirmed that 15 EU countries as well as Hong Kong and Switzerland have received eggs contaminated with the insecticide fipronil“The Environmental Health Directorate are ...

  • EU: 15 nations get tainted eggs, products in growing scandal

    EU officials say 15 countries including Hong Kong have reported receiving contaminated eggs or egg products in a growing food scandal.Several producers in the Netherlands and Belgium are under investigation after eggs were found to have been treated with a product containing pesticide Fipronil.EU trade and agriculture spokesman Daniel Rosario ...

  • Romania’s Paravion shuts Turkish business, blames security, currency depreciation

    Romania’s oldest online travel agency Paravion.ro will undergo restructuring and shut its Turkish unit Bavul due to security issues in Turkey and currency depreciation, it said on Aug. 7.

  • Hungary's Prime Minister says EU seeks to 'Muslimize' Europe

    European Union leaders and Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros are seeking a "new, mixed, Muslimized Europe," Hungary's anti-migration prime minister said Saturday.Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during a visit to Romania that Hungary's border fences, supported by other Central European countries, will block the EU-Soros effort to increase Muslim migration into ...

  • Vlog: Still packing… Flight to Lebanon in a few hours… My message before we leave...

    Who is agara? Have you heard about us?No, don't leave just yet... I did that a couple of months ago!'agara' in the Amharic Language reads – ‘Walking Together'… It’s the clear vision of the Foundation!agara envisions a global community in which every individual is an equal partner in its development. ...

  • Malta registers biggest EU surplus in first quarter - Eurostat

    Malta registered the biggest surplus in the EU and one of the largest decreases in debt in the first quarter of 2017, according to Eurostat data. According to the statistical arm of the EU, Malta saw a surplus 3.5% of GDP, followed by Germany and the Netherlands at 1.5%. The biggest ...

  • TMID Editorial: Corruption - Are we the only ones?

    From Paris to Bucharest, from Madrid to Moscow, an often well-founded perception of corruption in high places is leading European citizens to shake up the political life of their country.Since early June, corruption-related controversies have brought down the mayor of Brussels, forced out Romania’s prime minister and sparked off the ...

  • ITTF African Club Championships Fallout: Egypt beats Nigeria to women’s title

    Egypt’s Alhy retained their women’s title at the 2017 ITTF African Club Championships after beating Nigeria’s Canaan team 3-1 in the final held in Agadir, Morocco. The Dina Meshref-led Egyptian side were lucky to have escape with a 3-1 win against the Cross River-State funded Canaan team following the performance ...

  • Fiscalità Internazionale

    La nuova Convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni tra Italia e Romania

    Scopriamo cosa cambierà nelle relazioni commerciali fra Italia e Romania dopo l’entrata in vigore dell’accordo contro la doppia imposizione Lo scorso 9 giugno è stata pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale (G.U. n.132) la Legge n. 78 del 16 maggio 2017 con cui l’Italia ratifica la nuova Convenzione con la Romania per evitare ...

  • Maltese Presidency adopts Council conclusions on EU priorities on health

    EU Health Ministers adopted Council conclusions on EU priorities to tackle childhood overweight and obesity, and voluntary co-operation between health systems. The adoption took place today during the Council for Health Ministers, (EPSCO) in Luxembourg, chaired by the Maltese Health Minister and President of the Council Chris Fearne.The Council adopted ...

  • Malta’s GDP per capita at 95% of EU average

    When Malta accessed the EU in 2004, its GDP per capita was somewhere around 65% of the EU’s average. Since then, other, and poorer, nations have joined and Malta’s GDP has improved. According to a Eurostat release this week, it is now at 95% of the EU average, beaten by ...

  • TMID Editorial: An election is no substitute for due legal process

    In an interview granted to iNews, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat claimed that Konrad Mizzi had already been found not guilty by the popular vote in the election.The fact that Dr Mizzi was re-elected, and from two districts too, seems to be for Dr Muscat a clear not guilty verdict delivered ...

  • Focus Paese

    Romania, un mercato dal potenziale inespresso

    Dopo la devastante dittatura di Ceausescu la Romania ha avviato un importante processo di trasformazione economica che ha portato il Paese ad una crescita positiva ma poco equilibrata. Oggi il Paese rimane afflitto da una serie di problematiche come corruzione, bassi salari e scarsa produttività e per questo l'export di ...

  • McDonald’s licencee Premier Capital exceeds €200 million turnover in 2016

    Premier Capital plc, the Maltese-owned developmental licencee for McDonald’s in six European markets, has registered turnover in excess of €200 million for the year ended December 31, 2016. Turnover for the year more than doubled year-on-year following the acquisition of the Romanian market in January 2016.Thanks to its team of ...

  • McDonald’s licencee Premier Capital exceeds €200 million turnover in 2016

    Premier Capital, the Maltese-owned developmental licencee for McDonald’s in six European markets, has registered turnover in excess of €200 million for the year ended December 31. Turnover for the year more than doubled year-on-year following the acquisition of the Romanian market in January 2016. Thanks to its team of 7,000 people ...

  • Hili Properties acquires business centre in Romania

    Hili Properties, the real estate division of Hili Ventures, has finalised the acquisition of ART Business Centre in Romania’s capital Bucharest, following an investment in excess of €30 million, a company statement said today.Located in the affluent Nordului neighbourhood in northern Bucharest, the nine-storey property boasts 18,600 square metres of ...

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