Regno Unito
Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
Heirs Oil & Gas (HHOG), Africa’s integrated energy company has been awarded the ‘Africa deal of the year 2021’by Project Finance International (PFI), following the $1.1 billion financing and acquisition of 45 per cent stake in OML 17 in 2021. The award ceremony which took place on Monday, May 9 ...
British International Investment (BII), the UK’s development finance institution (DFI) and impact investor, has signed a $100 million risk-sharing facility for supply chain finance with Citi to provide funding for small and medium enterprises in Africa. The facility will be targeting SME suppliers and those underserved or excluded businesses. It ...
African energy players are making concerted efforts to build synergy with foreign investors during the forthcoming Africa Energies Summit. Already, the African Energy Chamber (AEC) has formally endorsed the Summit, set to take place in London on May 17-19, 2022. Organised by Frontier Energy Network, the summit unites African energy ...
A new venture, Bloomberg UK, is the first inkling of a new international strategy for the business news giant.
Kishida set out his plan to grow the world's third-largest economy by attracting private-sector investment and redistributing wealth.
Salaries in Britain’s financial sector have surged in recent months, widening inequality amid the nation’s cost-of-living crisis, a study showed yesterday.
Kishida set out his plan to grow the world's third-largest economy by attracting private-sector investment and redistributing wealth.
[The Herald] In a clear positive response to President Mnangagwa's call for Zimbabweans in the Diaspora to invest back home in various sectors of the economy, a Mahusekwa woman living and working in the United Kingdom has partnered Marondera Rural District Council to construct a clinic in Ward 11 of ...
The United Kingdom (UK) and Nigeria have agreed to promote trade among the two countries and boost a partnership worth over £3 billion. At the Economic and Development Forum (EDF) held in London, yesterday, both countries marked increased support for small and medium sized enterprises in Nigeria including the UK ...
Si è chiusa con successo l'offerta pubblica di acquisto su Cip Merchant Capital Ltd, società di investimento quotata sul segmento Aim della borsa di Londra da...
Italia, insieme a Francia, Germania e Regno Unito a rischio recessione. La previsione è del Fmi, il Fondo Monetario Internazionale, secondo il quale questa «battuta d'arresto della...
Atentát na zastupujícího říšského protektora Reynharda Heydricha má desítky, ne-li stovky hrdinů, kteří svou měrou přispěli k akci, která ačkoliv neproběhla podle plánu, byla nakonec úspěšná. Za tuto roli ale zaplatili tím nejdražším, co měli - životem. Člověk, který k operaci Anthropoid přispěl jedním z největších dílů ovšem přežil ...
(Teleborsa) - L'Italia trascina verso il basso il mercato europeo delle autovetture nel primo trimestre dell'anno. Nei 30 Paesi europei (UE+UK+EFTA) le immatricolazioni del mese di marzo sono scese a...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday apologised to MPs after he became the first British leader fined for breaking the law, but faced opposition calls to quit for the sake of integrity in politics.
[Nile Post] President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has met with the UK Trade envoy for Uganda and Rwanda, Lord Popat together with the British High Commissioner to Uganda, Kate Airey.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Tuesday he paid a fine from police for attending a lockdown-breaching birthday party in his official residence, making him the first British leader to be sanctioned for breaking the law while in office.
La polizia di Londra multa il primo ministro britannico Boris Johnson per il “partygate”, lo Sri Lanka annuncia il default sull’intero debito estero, almeno 59 morti nelle alluvioni in Sudafrica. Leggi
L'authority dei bilanci del Regno Unito ha messo nel mirino Deloitte, uno dei colossi mondiali della revisione contabile, per le sue verifiche sui conti della Go-Ahead, gruppo di trasporti che gestisce i celebri bus
De Franse wielrenner Nacer Bouhanni heeft de Ronde van Turkije moeten verlaten na een opmerkelijk incident. Tijdens de tweede etappe, van Selçuk naar Alaçati, botste Bouhanni op iemand die nietsvermoedend over de weg liep.
In giornata l’Unione europea vara l’ennesima stretta per colpire l’economia russa. Gli Stati uniti bloccano ogni nuovo investimento verso la Russia e la Gran Bretagna sceglie di rinunciare al gas
Riapre la Fiera del Libro, dopo tre anni: il mercato britannico vale 6 miliardi di sterline. Da Mondadori alla E/O, si punta a vendere i diritti degli autori italiani famosi.