Regno Unito
Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - For those who have dollars or other hard currencies, Argentina is among the 5 cheapest countries in the world. This is the result of a study carried out by, which analyzes the daily cost of living and the average income among the different countries. ...
Body will leverage private capital to fund projects in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, says foreign secretary
After spending the last three weeks abroad in investments and climate change summits in Scotland, France and South Africa, President Muhammadu Buhari returned to the country on Tuesday. Surprisingly the president hit the ground running and attended the Federal Executive Council meeting on Wednesday. Thursday was a busy day for ...
(Teleborsa) - Aumentano le vendite al dettaglio in Regno Unito. Secondo l'Office for National Statistics, nel mese di ottobre, hanno segnato un incremento dello 0,8% su base mensile, dopo il -0,2%...
(Teleborsa) - Ancora in panne il mercato dell'auto europeo. Secondo i dati Acea, l'associazione dei costruttori europei dell'auto, nel mese di ottobre in Europa più Efta e Regno Unito sono state...
(Teleborsa) - Diageo, il maggiore produttore mondiale di distillati, ha fornito una nuova guidance a medio termine durante il Capital Markets Day in corso a Londra. Ora si aspetta una crescita...
Ministers return to annual target that was announced in 2012 but never reached
The UK government has launched the new Urban Climate Action programme (UCAP) to support Lagos and other regions in developing countries most impacted by climate change to accelerate their transition to net zero by 2050. Backed with £27.5million of new UK government funding as part of the UK’s International Climate ...
EU ambassador says the EU is unlikely to match the NZ's recent zero-tariff trade deal with the UK, and has played down concerns that France wants to delay negotiations.
Průměrná vzdálenost, na kterou si Češi chodí zaběhat, vzrostla od skončení lockdownu z 4,9 na 5,4 km. Podle průzkumu společnosti Generali Investments chodí alespoň jednou za měsíc běhat přes 30 % lidí. Méně jim při tom jde o hubnutí a lepší postavu, více naopak o fyzické i psychické zdraví. Třetina dotázaných ...
In threatening to repudiate its deal with the EU, the UK is undermining its credibility as a reliable partner
(Teleborsa) - Gli aeroporti del Regno Unito hanno chiesto al Ministero dei Trasporti di ripristinare le regole degli slot aeroportuali "80/20", vale a dire l'obbligo di utilizzare l'80% degli slot...
UK metals magnate’s operations probed over allegations of ‘misuse of corporate assets’ and ‘money laundering’
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), has arrested a suspected notorious drug dealer, Okoli Collins Ikenna, who is alleged to be the mastermind of recent multiple attempts to export illicit drugs to London in the United Kingdom through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport and some courier companies in Lagos. ...
Il webinar "Sostegno all'Export - BREXIT – gli Aspetti Doganali Relativi all'Import/Export con GB" si svolgerà dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 16.00. Si parlerà di: operazioni doganali con la GB sia in fase di acquisto che in fase di vendita. La gestione dei resi merci, dell’origine preferenziale, dell’iscrizione alla banca dati rex saranno tra ...
APM Terminals Apapa last week participated in the UK Trade Exposition on-board HMS Trent, the warship visiting West Africa to combat piracy on the Gulf of Guinea and across Africa. The ship which made a stopover at the Lagos Port Complex Apapa on 26th October held a Trade Exposition on-board. ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - While more and more Brazilians are looking for meat bones in dumpsters in many cities, Brazil's upscale luxury real estate market is celebrating record sales. Never before have so many properties worth more than R$30 million (US$5 million) been sold in the country, say specialized ...
Piráti si nechali udělat analýzu, která ukázala, že je koaliční partner STAN před volbami podváděl. Právě to nejspíš významně přispělo k tomu, že z původně silnějších pirátských kandidátek se do sněmovny dostali překvapivě jen čtyři lidé, zatímco zdánlivě slabší stanaři mají 33 poslanců. Škoda že dredatý Ivan Bartoš nečte pozorně Reflex, ...
Paris has threatened to disrupt trade from Britain from Tuesday unless a deal is reached
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), has intercepted different quantities of Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and Cannabis heading to London through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA), Lagos. This is even as the NDLEA arrested two fake security agents and a nursing mother, who is on bail, for another drug ...
Some businesses benefit greatly from the bespoke trade arrangements while others struggle