• Londra elegge il sindaco dopo una brutta campagna elettorale

    Doveva essere una battaglia sui contenuti e le proposte: sulle politiche per la casa, i prezzi dei trasporti, l’inquinamento, l’eventuale uscita del Regno Unito dall’Europa. E in parte lo è stata. Ma la campagna elettorale per le comunali del 5 maggio a Londra ha avuto soprattutto le sembianze di un ...

  • Inmarsat: lower orbit

    Revenues at the UK-listed satellite business are being squeezed as new services roll out

  • Miners to drop as iron ore slips

    Shares in BHP and Rio fell further in London trade as the iron ore price declined.

  • UK finance sector’s shrinkage has limits

    Sector has its challenges but the slice it takes as assets grow will keep pace

  • Ormai l’Iraq è uno stato fallito

    Gli immobili nel centro di Baghdad sono cari come a Londra, eppure il pil dell’Iraq è sceso del settanta per cento da quando il prezzo del petrolio è crollato. Le bombe del gruppo Stato islamico (Is) devastano regolarmente parti della capitale eppure il mercato immobiliare è in piena espansione. Perché? ...

  • Axa sells Elevate business to Standard Life

    Move is one of a trio of deals that will complete the French group’s exit from UK life assurance

  • Brexit ‘could boost eurozone GDP’

    Financial activity would relocate out of London, says leading economist Lemoine

  • Qatar fund uses more external managers to shift focus towards Asia, US

    Qatar Investment Authority's change in strategy influenced by poor performance of investments in Volkswagen and London-listed commodities trading house Glencore

  • Group sues EC over ROPAL

    A UK based advocacy group, Progressive Alliance Movement (PAM) has sued the Electoral Commission [EC] at an Accra High Court to seek an immediate implementation of the Representation of the People Amendment Law (ROPAL), Act (699). The controversial law was passed in 2005 to enable Ghanaians living abroad to vote ...

  • Critiche alla legge cinese che impone severi controlli alle ong straniere.

    Critiche alla legge cinese che impone severi controlli alle ong straniere. Negli Stati Uniti c’è preoccupazione per la normativa approvata dal parlamento di Pechino il 28 aprile. La nuova legge riguarda migliaia di ong straniere che operano in Cina, che saranno sottoposto a maggiori controlli, anche finanziari, da parte della ...

  • Risky business: Lloyd’s of London's John Nelson

    For more than three centuries, Lloyd’s of London has been at the forefront of minimising risk while simultaneously earning billions of dollars annually from underwriting it. Chairman John Nelson explains why the Middle East is one of the historic institution’s new frontiers

  • Food & Beverage

    In alto i calici per la London Wine Fair

    Il Salone dei vini più importante della Gran Bretagna apre le porte il prossimo 03 maggio per la sua 36esima edizione e le aspettative come sempre sono molto alte. Saranno presenti centinaia di espositori provenienti da più di 40 Paesi diversi per mostrare le ultime novità del settore. E non solo. ...

  • Migration must not decide UK place in EU

    A dynamic economy can gain from importing people who both want to work and have the skills to do so

  • Risky business

    AT THE centre of a large office in west London sits a raised circular platform with several seats. Screens in front carry international news superimposed on a huge atlas. From here rescue missions are co-ordinated by International SOS (ISOS), the world’s largest travel-security firm, which counts nearly two-thirds of the ...

  • Global economic fears hit UK growth

    GDP growth falls to 0.4% in first quarter as construction and manufacturing slump

  • Diamonds might not be a girl’s best friend anymore

    Diamonds have lost some sparkle. The world’s largest supplier, De Beers Group, had to pull out all the stops last year to coax consumers to plunk down dough on some ice. In the face of sagging sales, the London-based jewelry company trotted out its “Diamond is Forever” marketing campaign after ...

  • US president warns UK on trade deal amid Brexit debate

    U.S. President Barack Obama has warned a trade deal between the U.S. and U.K. “would not happen any time soon” should the latter leave the EU

  • UK after Brexit: the options for trade deals

    The FT looks at how the Leave camp’s vision of ‘free trade and friendly co-operation’ might be realised

  • Tata’s UK steel plants face new threat

    Insurance that covers suppliers against non-payment is being withdrawn

  • Saudi Arabia, US, UK named top foreign investors in Dubai

    New report says 71% of foreign direct investment projects in 2015 qualified as high and medium tech

  • Javid more Sontaran than Thatcherite

    Business secretary offers to take a state stake of up to 25% in any buyout of Tata Steel UK