• Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano assume a Secretaria da Previdência

    O Secretaria da Previdência será comandada por Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, informou hoje (17) o ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles. Abi-Ramia Caetano é economista do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica e Aplicada (Ipea) desde 1997 e membro do Conselho Editorial do Journal of Social Policy, publicado pela Cambridge University Press. “Caetano é ...

  • Deutsche Bank hires ex-EDF finance director

    Thomas Piquemal quit over cost of Hinkley Point nuclear project in UK

  • Economic recovery a major challenge in Brazil, analysts say

    In 2007, when Brazil's biggest-ever petroleum discovery was confirmed in the so-called pre-salt layer, the moment Brazil was going through was unique. Boosted by agricultural commodity exports, the economy had grown 6.1% that year. Inflation dropped from 6.88% in 2005 to 3.6%, the lowest rate since 1998. Confidence was unwavering ...

  • Would Brexit be a bad break for SA’s exporters to the UK?

    A unified African bloc would be an advantage if Brexit forces a whole new trade and tariff regime on the UK, writes Matthew Stern, Chris Stevens and Jane Kennan

  • Aumenta tendencia de padres que deciden no cortar cordón umbilical a recién nacidos

    Para muchos puede sonar extraño, pero la práctica de no cortar el cordón umbilical del recién nacido, conocida como "Lotus Birth", va en aumento en el Reino Unido.El periódico británico Daily Mail publicó recientemente la historia de Emma Jean Nolan, de 30 años, que fotografió a un bebé recién nacido con su ...

  • EC can’t implement ROPAL this year – NDC UK

    The United Kingdom chapter of the incumbent National Democratic Congress (NDC) has said the Electoral Commission is incapable of implementing the controversial Representation of the People Amendment Law (ROPAL), Act (699), particularly for this year’s polls in November. Speaking to Citi News, the Chairman of the UK Chapter of the ...

  • Brexit hit to UK would be from ‘pretty bad to very, very bad,’ warns IMF’s Lagarde

    The hit to Britain’s economy if it votes to leave the European Union would range from “pretty bad, to very, very bad,” International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on May 13

  • Astana è pronta a ricevere investimenti esteri

    REGNO UNITO Londra 13/05/2016. Il vice Ministro delle Finanze del Kazakistan, Ruslan Beketayev, durante un forum Bers svoltosi a Londra, ha detto che il suo paese aveva preso tutte le misure per compensare il Leggi tutto...

  • UK physical book sales rebound

    Recovery comes on back of craze for adult colouring books and as ebook sales fall

  • Padoan alla BERS: più investimenti nel Mediterraneo

    (Teleborsa) - Il Ministro dell'Economia e delle Finanze Pier Carlo Padoan ha presieduto a Londra il Consiglio dei Governatori della Banca Europea di Ricostruzione e Sviluppo (BERS), in occasione del...

  • Scorpione

    Secondo la serie in podcast No such thing as a fish, “in Inghilterra nel settecento c’erano pochissimi matrimoni soddisfacenti”. In una pubblicazione dell’epoca si legge che delle 872.564 coppie sposate solo nove erano veramente felici.... Leggi

  • FT investigation: London’s dark money

    An insider at a Swiss bank warned Britain’s financial watchdogs that bankers in its UK office were offering services that could facilitate tax evasion and money laundering. Did the regulators turn a blind eye? The FT investigates the City’s role as a global hub for illicit finance

  • UK trade deficit hits eight-year high

    Net trade weighed down overall economic growth, leaving the slowing recovery reliant on the consumer

  • Japan’s financial regulator to scrutinize banks’ stress tests

    The nation’s financial regulator is stepping up oversight of its biggest banks while stopping well short of imposing the type of intrusive stress tests that have been adopted in the U.S. and Europe. Unlike the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, which conduct annual examinations of the large banks ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    London Wine Fair 2016: London Calling

    Anche in questo 2016 la London Wine Fair - giunta quest'anno alla 36^ edizione con uno spirito rinnovato e un nuovo restyling - si è confermata tra gli appuntamenti fieristici più rilevanti nel panorama continentale dedicato al nettare degli dei. La location suggestiva dell’ex stazione ferroviaria di Olympia Station ha fatto ...

  • Panama papers, pubblicato l’archivio dei documenti riservati.

    Panama papers, pubblicato l’archivio dei documenti riservati. Il Consorzio internazionale dei giornalisti investigativi (Icij) ha deciso di rendere disponibile online gran parte dei documenti riservati che hanno portato all’inchiesta sui paradisi fiscali. Sul sito dell’Icij è possibile trovare i nomi di aziende e individui che si sono serviti di società ...

  • Domestic crude export not economically justified: Centre to HC

    Govt is opposing UK-based Vedanta group company Cairn India's plea for permission to export excess crude from its Barmer oil field in Rajasthan

  • UK manufacturing sharply shrinks in April as EU vote approaches

    British manufacturing output unexpectedly shrank to hit its lowest level in three years in April, a survey showed on May 4, suggesting the economy will slow further before next month’s in-out European Union membership referendum

  • What do the Foxes say?

    IN FOOTBALLING terms, Claudio Ranieri, an affable Italian, has found a way to turn water into wine. Mr Ranieri manages a club in England, Leicester City, which historically has not been very good. On May 2nd his team were crowned champions of the English Premier League, a competition more watched ...

  • Risky returns

    JUST BEYOND CHARLIE CHEN’S perch, Shanghai looks every inch the global financial centre it aspires to be. Skyscrapers shimmer in the spring light, capped by the names of some of the world’s biggest banks and insurers. On the pavement below, smartly dressed workers scurry from the crowded rush-hour subway to ...

  • Nelle edicole britanniche esce l’ultima edizione di The New Day.

    Nelle edicole britanniche esce l’ultima edizione di The New Day. Il 6 maggio il giornale chiude perché le vendite sono troppo scarse. Lanciato solo nove settimane fa, è stato il primo tentativo in trent’anni di creare un nuovo quotidiano generalista nel Regno Unito.