Vai alla Scheda Paese »To write does not mean to convert the real into words but to make the power of the word real
— Augusto Roa Bastos
To write does not mean to convert the real into words but to make the power of the word real
— Augusto Roa Bastos
Los canales digitales para la venta son un pilar del negocio de Samsung en América Latina, que apuesta a incluir nuevas herramientas para impulsar el comercio electrónico.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Paraguay-Israel trade balance currently stands at 10-1, according to CACOPI chairman Alejandro Rubin Cymerman, speaking at the Chamber's 5th anniversary, on November 23. "If Paraguay exports 10, it imports 1, but we must understand that they are complementary economies and not competitive, and there ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This was a joint declaration with Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, signed by Argentina's Julián Domínguez and the ministers of the agricultural portfolios of the Southern Agricultural Council. A common position was established with regard to the agricultural and fisheries negotiations at the 12th WTO ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is the first time that Paraguay takes on this high position in the Commission, thereby reiterating its commitment to the international community to address the global drug issue. Costa Rica will be in charge of the presidency. ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The two countries' Foreign Ministers held a meeting in Tokyo this Monday during Acevedo's 3-day visit to the Asian country focused on strengthening ties between the two nations, the Paraguayan government announced. Hayashi and Acevedo shared their common views on "the need to revitalize economic ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After two simultaneous raids in Lambaré, Jimmy Alberto Páez Giret (46), a lawyer by profession, who was disqualified from practicing law, was arrested. The man was now arrested for being implicated in the murder of the German citizen Bernard Von Bredow and his teenage daughter ...
A Secretaria de Política Econômica (SPE) do Ministério da Economia reduziu a projeção para o crescimento da economia este ano e elevou a estimativa para a inflação, de 7,9% para 9,7%, por influência da alta nos preços dos combustíveis e energia elétrica. Os dados estão no Boletim MacroFiscal divulgado hoje ...
Letizia Ortiz se mostró acompañada por una activista y el abogado de un organismo de derechos humanos; en ese país, la expectativa de vida de las personas trans no supera los 40 años
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, Minister of Tourism Gilson Machado Neto announced in Recife that Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile will implement a joint action plan to reopen tourism activities. To enable this resumption, these countries' governments have signed an agreement. The initiative was announced after the ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A briefing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that "Paraguayan authorities contacted Mexico to request the arrest and extradition to Paraguay of Mr. Granda during the night of October 19," while he was "being held" at the Mexico City airport. However, the former peace ...
Alejandro Pazos es el nuevo gerente general en el país, y Director de Socios, Clientes Corporativos y Pymes para la región Sur de Microsoft (Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay). Rodrigo Astiazarán es promovido a un nuevo cargo como director de Soluciones de Productividad para América Latina.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This was confirmed by Brazilian Foreign Minister Carlos França and his Argentine counterpart Minister Santiago Cafiero in a joint communiqué: "The Ministers reached the necessary consensus to jointly define with the other MERCOSUR partners the scope and characteristics of the Common External Tariff revision." "This ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Within the framework of his official visit, Chilean president Sebastián Piñera and his Paraguayan counterpart Mario Abdo Benítez signed a commitment to advance in a free trade agreement (FTA) to come into force before the end of the year. The presidents agreed to strengthen the ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "She comes to strengthen cooperation ties not only in the economic area, but mainly in the cultural area," Acevedo said at the Government Palace after delivering the credentials of Spain's new ambassador Carmen Castiella to president Mario Abdo Benítez. The Foreign Minister said that the ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Minister Carmen Marín stated that the South American country is positively addressing the economic, employment and poverty crisis resulting from the pandemic. "Paraguay is striving to improve the business environment, which is key to attracting investment. There is an agenda to promote business through digital ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Organization of American States (OAS) will send an electoral mission to Paraguay to observe the municipal elections of October 10. More than four million Paraguayans are summoned, informed this Tuesday by the Foreign Ministry. The mission responds to the initiative of the Paraguayan Government, ...
La reconocida plataforma de subastas corporativas de Narvaezbid incrementa sus inversiones en Argentina, Uruguay y Paraguay sumando el desarrollo de tiendas exclusivas para que distintas comunidades realicen sus propios remates.
O Banco Central (BC) publicou hoje (15) um conjunto de normas que tratam da gestão de riscos sociais, ambientais e climáticas no âmbito do sistema financeiro. A autarquia divulgou ainda o primeiro Relatório de Riscos e Oportunidades Sociais, Ambientais e Climáticas, que apresenta as ações do BC na dimensão sustentabilidade ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "If our companies are digitized, it will be easier for them to integrate into regional and global value chains. And it will be much easier for them to attract clients abroad and to be able to export," said the IDB head Mauricio Claver-Carrone at an ...
A Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil) lançou, hoje (14), o segundo ciclo do Programa de Imagem e Acesso a Mercados do Agronegócio Brasileiro (PAM-Agro). O objetivo é “qualificar a imagem do agronegócio brasileiro no exterior, posicionando o Brasil como referência global na produção agropecuária sustentável e ...