Vai alla Scheda Paese »To write does not mean to convert the real into words but to make the power of the word real
— Augusto Roa Bastos
To write does not mean to convert the real into words but to make the power of the word real
— Augusto Roa Bastos
The export of Paraguayan meat will exceed the barrier of US$2 billion at the end of this year, which would make it possible to meet the main objective that was set for this 2022, according to the National Service for Quality and Animal Health (Senacsa). The president of Senacsa, José ...
The foreign ministries of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay issued a joint note stating that they can take “measures” to “defend their interests” given the intention of their other Mercosur partner, Uruguay, to present a request for adhesion to the Comprehensive Treaty and Progressive Partnership Trans-Pacific (CPTPP) without considering the other ...
A study released by the Brazilian Institute of Economy, a branch of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), reveals that Paraguay presents favorable indicators to address a 2023 expansion. However, they point out that corruption, poor infrastructure and a lack of innovation continue to be brakes that slow down development. Specialists ...
At the end of October 2022, Paraguay exported to a total of 141 countries in the world, of which Brazil and Argentina are the main destinations, with 36.5% and 22.2%, respectively. Both countries represented 58.7% of total shipments abroad, according to the Executive Advance of the Foreign Trade Report (RCE), ...
L'Ambasciata d'Italia ad Asunciòn, in Paraguay, e l'ICE Agenzia di Buenos Aires, competente anche per il Paraguay - con il coinvolgimento di ANIMA Confindustria Meccanica Varia e di REDIEX - organizza il 6 dicembre 2022 un webinar con successiva sessione di incontri B2B per le aziende attive nel campo dell'economia ...
Paraguay and Spain agreed to abolish double taxation to encourage investment, declared Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benítez, who is on a tour of Europe. "The negotiation process to eliminate double taxation between Paraguay and Spain has been completed. "It will make it even more attractive for Spanish investment to use ...
Grandes glorias del polo nacional se reunieron en la sede Alfredo Lalor para celebrar los primeros 100 años de la asociación. El festejo fue doble ya que al mismo tiempo se cumplen cinco décadas de la creación del predio de Pilar
Se hace necesaria una ley de identidad de género en Panamá como parte del compromiso de adquirido soberanamente por el Estado de respetar los derechos humanos y, siendo el derecho a la autonomía de género un pilar de estos, es recomendable una adecuación del marco legal del país que proteja ...
Given international media publications that Paraguay will be the only country in the region that will decrease this year, local economists and experts point out that the analysis of the economy in 2022 is already done. The discussion is no longer focused on this year, which will stagnate or even ...
So far this year, the productive manufacturing and agribusiness sector managed to export a total of US$4.296 billion, 19%, more than the US$3.615 billion registered in the same period of 2021, reported the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC). 27% of total industrial exports, US$1.157 billion, corresponds to manufacturing goods; ...
Termina nesta semana o prazo para sacar até R$ 6.220 do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) para os moradores de três municípios do Nordeste, do Sul e ...
Os moradores de três municípios do Nordeste, do Sul e do Sudeste afetados por enchentes e tempestades no semestre passado precisam ficar atentos. Termina nesta semana o prazo para sacar ...
By Augusto Taglioni The analyst, Emanuele Ottolenghi, from the FP affirms that the State Department wants Horacio Cartes and Hugo Velazquez to be tried in the United States. The position of the State Department in relation to Paraguay and its complaints against former President Horacio Cartes and Vice President Hugo ...
Será Marcos Bradley, quien se despeña en el área de Marketing de la compañía para la Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia y Chile”
Paraguay's ruling Colorado Party is in turmoil just ahead of April 2023 elections. The right-wing conservative "Partido Colorado" has long dominated Paraguayan politics and has remained in power even amid the volatile anti-incumbent wave that has recently swept Latin America. With a brand focused on pro-business stability and traditional values ...
The Senate approved the Executive proposal of the Brazil-Paraguay agreement to integrate the border regions between the two countries (PDL 765/2019). The text was reported by Senator Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS) and followed for promulgation. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the agreement provides legal instruments based on international law ...
Nacional Contenido Premium: 0En apoyo a seguir mejorando el conocimiento de los docentes en educación digital, ...
Empossado no último dia 19 como presidente da Eletrobras pós-privatização, Wilson Ferreira Júnior retorna à empresa que presidiu de 2016 a 2021 com a meta de promover o crescimento real da companhia.“A ...
La prórroga por un año de la ley abre nuevas oportunidades tanto para consumidores finales como para inversores.