Vai alla Scheda Paese »If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.
— Omar Torrijos Herrera
If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.
— Omar Torrijos Herrera
PANAMA CITY — Organized crime prosecutors raided the offices of the Mossack Fonseca law firm Tuesday looking for evidence of money laundering and financing terrorism following a leak of documents about tax havens it set up for wealthy international clients. Soon after news reports based on a trove of documents ...
Govts across the world have begun investigating possible financial wrongdoing by the rich and powerful people
The Panama-based law firm is at the centre of the "Panama Papers" leaks scandal that has embarrassed several world leaders and shone a spotlight on the shadowy world of offshore companies. The national police, in an earlier statement, said they were searching for documentation that "would establish the possible use ...
Finance chiefs from the Group of 20 economies will discuss ways to stem tax avoidance when they meet this week, with the so-called Panama Papers serving up uncomfortable questions for politicians and business leaders. They are also likely to push for greater coordination in fiscal spending to stimulate demand and ...
Newly created organised crime unit investigates whether law firm was used for illicit activity
As people struggle with effects of globalisation, political & business leaders need to realise what is legal may not be moral anymore
The EU unveiled plans to force the world's biggest multinationals to faithfully report earnings and pay their fair share of taxes, saying the Panama Papers leaks added to the need for change. The European Commission said under new rules big companies would have to make public what they earn in ...
La economía en Panamá se verá afectada de manera "negativa" por la filtración de los papeles de Panamá, aunque será el efecto será "menos potente" porque su gran motor gira alrededor de la ampliación del canal, afirmó hoy el economista jefe del Banco Mundial (BM) para América Latina, Augusto de ...
Los documentos filtrados de la empresa Mossack Fonseca, del caso Panamá Papers, también involucran al conductor y periodista televisivo Nicolás Lúcar, reveló un informe de Ojo Público. PUEDES VER: ¿Qué son los Panamá Papers? Conoce los detalles de la mayor filtración de datos de la historia| VIDEO Lúcar y su esposa, Frances Crousillat, ...
Representantes de gremiales del transporte público pidieron a la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) investigar el origen de los fondos de Subes.Juan Pablo Álvarez, de Rutas Unidas, presentó este martes una denuncia ante el ministerio público en la que transportistas solicitan una indagación en el caso.En el escrito piden, además, investigar los vínculos ...
Berlin, April 12, 2016 (AFP) -Secret agents from several countries, including intermediaries of the CIA, have used the services of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca in order to "conceal" their activities, German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported Tuesday.
La empresa Subes Panamá, inscrita en los registros de ese país en septiembre de 2012, figura en los estados financieros de Subes El Salvador como la fuente de préstamos que en total sumaron $13 millones en 2013.Subes Panamá fue constituida con una directiva integrada por prestanombres panameños, pero en mayo de 2013, dos ...
Nella bufera per le quote possedute nel paradiso fiscale, il premier britannico si difende: "Ho venduto azioni prima di assumere l'incarico politico per...
Berlin, April 11, 2016 (AFP) -Secret agents from several countries, including intermediaries of the CIA, have used the services of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca in order to "conceal" their activities, German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported Tuesday.
¿Se han fijado cómo últimamente nos hemos adentrado en la era de la política post-factual? Es decir, la poca vergüenza que existía en la clase política para lanzar diatribas fact-free se está terminando de a poquito. Y la descripción no se limita a los alaridos de nuestros lares, alcanza también ...
British Prime Minister David Cameron will try to repair trust in his leadership on April 11 by speeding legislation to make companies criminally liable for employees who aid tax evasion
New Delhi, Apr 11 () A strict investigation into 'Panama Papers' is on to find out if illegal activities have taken place in overseas Indian accounts, while full force of law has been applied to deal with 'wilful default' cases like that of Vijay Mallya, the Finance Ministry said today.
Investigador do Instituto Brookings que é especialista em economia e corrupção na Rússia acredita nessa possibilidade, mas muitos, incluindo colegas seus, descartam “teoria da conspiração”
Piden rehabilitar ascensores en buses Organizaciones de personas con discapacidad impulsan proyecto para reparar los elevadores en los buses, dañados por falta de mentenimiento. Taller de talabartería queda en cenizas en León El negocio estaba deshabitado al momento que empezó el siniestro. Vecinos del lugar ayudaron a los bomberos a controlar el incendio. A ...
The tentative merger between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Estate takes another step as the rules change in the business of unearthing secrets.
The recent leak of data from Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca that exposed some world leaders for owning offshore entities showed tax dodgers are at greater risk of being caught.