• Nearly one million tourists visit Malta in first half of 2017 – NSO

    Total inbound visitors for June were estimated at 232,193 an increase of 19.4 per cent when compared to the corresponding month in 2016, the NSO said today.Inbound Tourism: June 2017A total of 189,687 inbound tourist trips were carried out for holiday purposes, while a further 21,015 were undertaken for business ...

  • Italy focuses on Libya mission to manage migrant crisis

    Italy is putting its hopes for managing the migrant crisis on a new, Libya-requested mission to support the North African nation's coast guard after suffering a rebuke by humanitarian groups.Italian ministers were briefing parliamentary committees Tuesday on a mission approved by the Cabinet to deploy the navy to aid the ...

  • Work to improve traffic flow in Kirkop tunnel, Gudja Bypass and Luqa

    The Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects is carrying out works through Transport Malta, towards adding three new lanes in Aviation Road, improving access from the Kirkop tunnel, Gudja Bypass, and Luqa.Access when travelling to the Malta International Airport will also be improved through this project, the ministry saidThe ...

  • Government to launch consultation document aimed to boost financial services sector

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today said that Cabinet has approved a consultation document aimed at taking the Financial Services sector “to the next level.”Muscat, who was attending a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Council, said the document will be launched soon.Muscat also spoke of investment in Maltese infrastructure, stating ...

  • Qawra Point deck chair operator shut down after defying removal orders

    An Qawra Point beach furniture operator has been forced to shut and will be fined €5,000 for setting up deck chairs and umbrellas at Ta' Fra Ben this morning, defying authorities less than 24 hours after they clamped down on the business. In a statement, the Malta Tourism Authority said its inspectors, ...

  • Government working to make country 'future proof'

    The government’s work is aimed at making the country future proof, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this morning. Speaking on One Radio, he said that at a time when government work was supposed to slow down a little, the government was still working at full speed, implementing its clear plan to ...

  • Bill tackling sport corruption in Parliament after summer recess

    A Bill tackling sport corruption drafted before the election is being revised and will be presented in Parliament after the summer recess. The draft law was presented last February by the Attorney General to the anti-corruption task force led by the Malta Football Association. The task force brings together representatives of ...

  • PN leadership hopeful Chris Said lays out proposals for rowdy people in tourists hot-spots

    Nationalist Party (PN) leadership candidate Chris Said believes in naming and shaming of individuals found guilty of causing fights and vandalising private property in order to act as a deterrent for others.Said was addressing members of the press in Bugibba Square, just days after two Syrian men were arrested for ...

  • Gas pipeline between Malta and Italy to be operational by 2024; to replace Delimara FSU gas tanker

    The gas pipeline between Malta and Italy is planned to be up and running by 2024, Energy Minister Joe Mizzi said this morning.Now in the 'milestone' phase of submissions of applications for permits in both Malta and Italy, when functioning, the €322 million pipeline will replace the temporary FSU gas ...

  • MTA renovates St Paul's Bay promenade along area known as Tal-Għażżelin

    A newly renovated promenade along the area known as Tal-Għażżelin in St Paul's Bay translates into more open spaces available for tourists and residents alike, the Malta Tourism Authority has said."The area lends itself to the enjoyment of natural scenes, whilst leading up to the Wignacourt Tower, an imposing structure that ...

  • Malta Stock Exchange introduces new index

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna inaugurated the 'Malta Stock Exchange Total Return Index - MSETRX', which is a methodology that calculates the value of investment in equities through an index.In his speech he said that "this is going to bring the Maltese Stock Exchange in line with international Stock Exchange's ...

  • Almost €30 million spent waste management every year - GreenPak CEO

    GreenPak CEO Mario Schembri has said that almost €30 million are spent every year on waste management between the private sector and Government, and this amount does not include Government's expenditure related to administration, policies and law enforcement."Unfortunately, we see litter everywhere. This immediately leads to the question: what are ...

  • TMID Editorial: Bouncer assault - Cowboys still rule Malta’s Wild West

    When regulations for nightclub bouncers were introduced in 2012 we were promised the free for all that existed - a situation where every Tom, Dick and Harry could put on a black T-shirt and be employed as a private security guard, with the accompanying 'license' to insult, shove, punch and ...

  • Government registers increase in recurrent revenue and total expenditure in first six months

    Compared to the same period last year (January to June), recurrent revenue registered an increase of €171.4 million whereas total expenditure went up by €152.8 million, the National Statistics Office has said."This resulted in a positive change in the Government's Consolidated Fund by €18.6 million. In January-June 2017, recurrent revenue ...

  • European Hunting and Conservation Federation challenge ECJ Advocate General’s trapping opinion

    The European Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation. (FACE) issued a statement yesterday highlighting certain issues it has with the ECJ Advocate General's opinion on Finch trapping in Malta earlier this week.Eleanor V. E. Sharpston, Advocate General (AG) at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, yesterday delivered her ...

  • Research project on drone capability to fly safely around other aircraft concludes

    A public dissemination event was held within the Faculty of ICT at the University of Malta to disseminate the results of a research and innovation (R&I) project entitled SAGRO (Situation Awareness and Guidance for RPAS* Operations) to the general public.This was a Research and Innovation (R&I) project - funded by ...

  • The Maltese hospital in Ghana – 'a miracle of love and generosity'

    President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca visited the Maltese hospital in Ghana, describing it as a miracle of love and generosity.The President visited the HopeXchange Medical Center in Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana, during her official visit leading a trade delegation to the country.She said that the care being ...

  • Government working to make Malta ‘future proof’ – Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning said that the government was not only ensuring that people felt the instant benefits of a strong and just economy but was also making the country “future proof.”Speaking on One Radio, Muscat said the government was keeping up its momentum even during a period ...

  • Eight authors head for this year’s edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival

    Eight authors from across the globe will be travelling to Malta for this year's edition of the Mediterranean Literature Festival. The event will kick off on Thursday 24 August and will go on until Saturday 26 August.The festival this year is in its 12th edition and will be held at ...

  • 34% believe Franco Debono is a valid PN leader, in a survey commissioned by Debono himself

    A survey on Justice Reform Commissioner Franco Debono, commissioned by Debono himself, revealed that 34.4 per cent of respondents believe he is a valid candidate in the Nationalist Party leadership race.In a surreal move by any standards, Debono chose to commission a survey on himself. The survey indicates how many ...

  • David Agius to run for PN Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs

    Nationalist Party parliamentary whip David Agius will be contesting for the post of Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs.Agius yesterday confirmed his intentions with The Malta Independent on Sunday.He is the first PN MP to announce his candidacy for the post and the second to have expressed his interest in any ...