• Air Malta: 25 part-time clerks given full time employment

    The ailing national airline, which has repeatedly been told that it needs to shed jobs, has employed 25 part-time clerks on a full-time basis, The Malta Independent is informed. Air Malta has only managed to break even in the second quarter of this year, having been in restructuring since 2009. ...

  • TMID Editorial: Politics - PN leadership election and other reflections

    The PN leadership race has become quite a cutthroat affair. Sources from within the PN say that practically all four contenders have their own groups of people inside Stamperija who are ‘working for them’ from behind the scenes, trying to curry favour with the kunsilliera and tesserati, who will be ...

  • Government mum on implementation of EU anti money laundering rules

    The Minister of Finance failed to answer The Malta Independent’s questions on why it has not, as stated by the Finance Minister himself, transposed the latest EU anti money laundering directive into law. The EU Commission some weeks ago penned a letter to the government asking why it failed to ...

  • Major banks’ interim results

    It is the season of mid-year announcements when listed companies publish their interim results. Malta’s two major banks, BOV and HSBC, recently announced their interim results. Shareholders of these banks are eagerly drawing their conclusions on the published figures. BOV registered a pre-tax profit of €68.1 million for the period January ...

  • Unlike physical abuse, ‘you cannot quantify emotional, verbal or sexual abuse’ – Dar Merħba Bik head

    While the result of domestic abuse is often expected to be visible in a physical form, Dar Merħba Bik's head of the house Elaine Pavia notes that, for many victims who come to the emergency domestic violence shelter, the harm cannot be seen and, moreover, cannot be measured.The Malta Independent ...

  • Live: Football Transfer News and Rumours

    Welcome to this new initiative by Times of Malta's sports desk. We are looking to keep our readers and social media followers updated with all the latest news and gossip regarding the summer transfer window. 5.05pm Liverpool are looking at Schalke's attacking midfielder Max Meyer as a possible long-term replacement should Philip ...

  • Delia vows disclosure ‘while protecting partners’ privacy’

    It is the privacy of his business partners that has kept Adrian Delia from making a full disclosure of assets, the Nationalist Party leadership hopeful suggested yesterday. Since announcing his bid for the PN’s top post, Dr Delia has reiterated that he will make a full disclosure of assets and liabilities ...

  • No contaminated eggs in Malta – Ministry for Health

    No contaminated eggs have been imported to Malta, a spokesperson for the Ministry for Health has told The Malta Independent on Sunday. The EU Commission had confirmed that 15 EU countries as well as Hong Kong and Switzerland have received eggs contaminated with the insecticide fipronil“The Environmental Health Directorate are ...

  • Marlene Farrugia says ‘definite no’ to Labour return, ‘maybe’ to PN leadership in five years’ time

    Outgoing Democratic Party leader Marlene Farrugia yesterday said she will not return to the Labour Party to work with “people who sold their soul”, but she is not excluding giving the Nationalist Party leadership a shot in five years’ time, if the PN would be in search of a new ...

  • ‘It’s time to move forward,’ Vassallo says, after PN decides not to punish him on gay marriage vote

    The Nationalist MP who decided to vote against the Marriage Equality Bill and who ignored the party’s whip’s direction, Edwin Vassallo, believes that is it now time to move forward.Vassallo, a veteran PN MP, said that he voted against the Bill with a clean conscience and that he does not ...

  • Fitch rating upgrade from A to A+ will attract more investment, lower borrowing costs for government

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat explained how the upgrade from A to A+ by Fitch economic rating agency will attract more foreign investors and will mean that government can borrow on the international markets at lower interest rates.He was speaking on a brief interview with the Labour Party (PL) media unit ...

  • Police unhappy with priest abuse sentence, likely to appeal

    The police and the Attorney General’s Office are likely to appeal the sentence handed down to Fr Charles Fenech, who was found guilty of the violent indecent assault of a vulnerable woman. Sources have said the police were not happy with the punishment meted out to the former director of the ...

  • Marlene Farrugia to give up Partit Demokratiku leadership

    Marlene Farrugia will not be contesting the post of Partit Demokratiku leader, the MP said this morning.In a post on Facebook, Farrugia said that she will not be contesting the post or any other at the next AGM meeting in October “to concentrate on other challenges in my life”.She said ...

  • Watch: Alex Perici Calascione wants party message to be delivered more effectively

    PN leadership contender Alex Perici Calascione said that the party’s message to the people must be delivered in a more effective way.He said that the patty’s information office must be strengthened and involve more people who focus on politics and the message the party wants to convey.He said AZAD, the ...

  • Waterpolo: Stevie Camilleri joins A.S. Roma Nuoto

    "Colpo grosso per la Roma, preso l'attaccante Stevie Camilleri" - This is how the official website of Italian Serie A2 waterpolo club A.S. Roma Nuoto titled the breaking news of the move of the Malta national waterpolo team captain to the Italian side.The Malta Independent caught up with Camilleri about ...

  • Fitch upgrades Malta’s credit rating to A+ with a stable outlook

    The Ministry for Finance said it is pleased to attest to another milestone achieved by the Labour Government this year. Indeed, following Standard and Poor’s credit rating upgrade in October of last year, Fitch has now upgraded Malta’s sovereign credit rating from A to A+ with a stable outlook. The upgrade ...

  • TMID Editorial: Finch trapping - Government once again between a hide and a hard place

    The most recent impasse the government has reached with the European Commission illustrates, once again, how no government, irrespective of their political stripe, is willing to impinge one iota on the hunting and trapping lobby.As had been the case in the great spring hunting saga, which we are certain is ...

  • Watch: Francis Zammit Dimech to contest European Parliament elections in 2019

    MEP Francis Zammit Dimech today officially announced that he will contest the European elections in 2019 for the Nationalist Party. He emphasised that “this will be an important test for me but also important test for the Nationalist Party. This will be the process were the people will vote once ...

  • The market economy

    There are many who believe that governments should intervene as little as possible in the operation of the market, as the market is capable to find its own equilibrium. Interventions create inefficiencies that would eventually be a burden on the taxpayer. I tend to subscribe to such an idea with ...

  • Questions over readiness for potential migrant influx

    A leading human rights NGO has questioned whether the authorities would be prepared to potentially receive a sudden influx of migrants. This week, former foreign minister George Vella warned that Malta could face the brunt of what appeared to be Italy’s policy shift on migrant rescues in the central Mediterranean. On Monday, ...

  • Dwejra still the number one shore dive spot in Gozo

    Diving in Dwejra hasn’t lost popularity since the Azure window came crashing down, Simon Sciberras, Chairman of the Professional Diving Schools Association (PDSA) told The Malta Independent, and is still the number one shore diving spot in Gozo.The main attraction for divers in the area is, of course, the Blue ...