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Perfect people don't fight, they don't lie, they don't make mistakes and they don't exist.
— Aristotele
  • NDLEA seizes N175m from suspected drug traffickers

    Afeez Hanafi Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency have arrested two suspected drug traffickers for allegedly laundering hard currencies estimated at about N175m from Greece and Austria. It was learnt that the suspects – Edos Nicholas and Hallowell Lovely – were arrested at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport ...

  • Malta Enterprise ‘way below radar for international companies seeking to invest in Malta’ – survey

    A survey carried out by the Malta Institute of Management shows that the existence of Malta Enterprise is not well-known among international companies seeking to invest in Malta.“It is alarming to note for example, that the Malta Enterprise is way below radar for international companies seeking to invest in Malta. ...

  • Norwegian Cruise Line returns to Malta after eight-year absence

    The world's leading cruise company, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) will next year be deploying one of its vessels back in Malta, following an absence of eight years. Embellishing the historic Valletta harbour, NCL's newly refurbished Norwegian Spirit shall be starting and ending cruises from the Island. This was announced today ...

  • Let’s build a front for common resistance: HDP co-chair Demirtaş

    Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş has issued a call for joint resistance against fascism during a speech on Oct. 13 at the opening of the congress of Syriza, the main partner in Greece’s government, in Athens

  • Syriza invites HDP co-chair Demirtaş to Greece

    Syriza, the main partner in Greece’s government, has invited Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş to its 2nd party congress in Athens, Doğan News Agency has reported.

  • Retaining current set of European asylum rules not an option – Minister Carmelo Abela

    Retaining the current set of European asylum rules is not an option, Minister for Home Affairs and National Security, Carmelo Abela said today.Speaking at a meeting of EU Home Affairs ministers in Luxembourg on Thursday 13th October, Minister Abela stated that Malta is of the opinion that there is a ...

  • Borders in Europe will threaten internal market – EU Commission Vice-President

    What are the main challenges Malta will face during the EU Council Presidency?In my experience with presidencies, there are three things that matter: what items are still on the agenda, what you want to add to the agenda, and events.Fifty per cent of it is dominated by events and, in ...

  • European Central Bank official plays down Brexit hit to eurozone

    Britain's exit from the European Union single market would not hurt the continent's eurozone economies as much as initially expected, and it will be Britain that suffers most, European Central Bank official Yannis Stournaras said Friday.As Britain and the EU, of which 19 countries are in the eurozone, prepare to ...

  • Amnesty demands rich countries do more to help refugees

    Source: Amnesty International Country: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldWealthy countries have shown a complete absence of leadership and responsibility, leaving just 10 countries, which account for less than 2.5% of world GDP, to take in 56% of the ...

  • Letture Consigliate

    E' l'economia che cambia il mondo - Yanis Varoufakis

    Yanis Varoufakis - ex ministro delle Finanze del primo governo di Alexis Tsipras - nel suo libro "E' l'economia che cambia il mondo" si pone alcune domande per dare una spiegazione alle questioni economiche che hanno portato alle crisi finanziarie che hanno colpito l’economia mondiale negli ultimi anni. Scrivendo una lettera ...

  • Exportiamo Incontra

    E-Auction, una piattaforma telematica di commercio per il settore agri-food

    Fra le fonti di finanziamento europee disponibili, esistono una serie di programmi di cooperazione transnazionale e transfrontaliera che possono risultare di particolare interesse per le Camere, per il ruolo che esse possono avere a livello territoriale e per le opportunità di business che questa tipologia di programmi possono offrire. Si ...

  • Bank of Greece documents €1.4bn surplus in July trade balance

    The Bank of Greece has published its latest figures on the balance of payments for...

  • EU announces new €115 million emergency support for refugees in Greece

    Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office Country: Greece, WorldThe European Union has stepped up its funding to improve living conditions for refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in Greece ahead of the upcoming winter.Brussels, 10 September 2016 Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides announces €115 million additional funding under the ...

  • Unaccompanied children detained in Greece

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Afghanistan, Greece, Iraq, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldAccording to HRW, children are held in unsanitary conditions - sometimes with unrelated adults - in police stations and detention centers where they have little access to basic care and services. Greece: Migrant Children Held in Deplorable Conditions End Unjustified Detention ...

  • Nations condemn use of cluster bombs in Syria

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Syrian Arab RepublicAt Geneva meeting first responders, local activists and journalists reported at least eight cluster munition attacks in Syria, some of which, they said, killed and injured civilians, including children.Deadly Attacks in Syria as Treaty Members Meet (Geneva, September 8, 2016) – Nations attending the annual ...

  • Drowning rates soaring in the Central Mediterranean

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Greece, Italy, Libya, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, WorldThe chances of dying on the Libya to Italy route are ten times higher than when crossing from Turkey to Greece, making 2016 to date the deadliest year on record in the Central Mediterranean.This is a summary ...

  • Greece launches private TV tender amid controversy

    Greece on Aug. 30 launched a multi-million euro auction for four private TV licenses, a process originally due two decades ago and now marked by political infighting

  • Grecia, l'economia torna a crescere ma meno del previsto

    (Teleborsa) - In Grecia il Prodotto Interno Lordo cresce a un tasso di espansione inferiore a quanto stimato dall'Ufficio Nazionale di Statistica. A metà agosto, infatti, era stata...

  • Grecia, Bruxelles approva il piano per migliorare la produzione di elettricità nelle isole

    (Teleborsa) - Dopo il flop delle privatizzazioni, la Grecia continua a far parlare. La Commissione Europea ha approvato il sostegno fornito dalla Banca Europea per gli Investimenti...

  • Military attaches, diplomats flee in Turkey’s post-coup probe

    As the hunt for fugitive Turkish officers and officials overseas expands, two military attaches escape from Greece to Italy. ‘We will return these traitors to Turkey,’ the foreign minister says

  • Two missing Turkish attachés headed to Italy, says FM

    Two missing Turkish attachés with alleged Gülenist links were confirmed to be headed from Greece to Italy, according to Greek officials, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on Aug. 11, while also noting they were taking the necessary steps regarding those with links to the organization