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Perfect people don't fight, they don't lie, they don't make mistakes and they don't exist.
— Aristotele

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  • EU terrorism figures 2016: 142 failed, foiled or completed attacks, 142 victims

    In 2016, a total of 142 failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks in the European Union saw 142 victims die and 379 people injured, an EU Terrorism and Situation report that was presented at Europe House in Valletta has revealed.The attacks occurred in eight member states, more than half (76) ...

  • Grecia, non impossibile un ritorno sul mercato dei titoli di Stato

    (Teleborsa) - La Grecia potrebbero tornare sul mercato dei titoli di Stato se i costi di rifinanziamento (ossia i rendimenti) scendessero al di sotto del 5%, cosa che accadrebbe con estrema...

  • Grecia, pressing dell'FMI sui partner europei per il salvataggio

    (Teleborsa) - Il Fondo Monetario Internazionale avanza una nuova proposta sulla vicenda Grecia, chiedendo il rinvio di qualche mese per la definizione dello spinoso nodo relativo all'alleggerimento...

  • Grecia, l'economia torna a crescere

    (Teleborsa) - Buon inizio d'anno per l'economia della Grecia. Secondo l'Elstat, l'ufficio di statistica ellenico, il PIL  è cresciuto dello 0,4% nel primo trimestre. Si...

  • Business in Brief: Elbit Systems snags $390 million electronic intelligence deal

    Following record profits, Delek Drilling to distribute $180 million in dividends; Migdal and Phoenix insurance companies report brighter Q1 profit picture; Greece’s Energean to supply gas to Israeli power stations; TASE’s TA 35 and TA 125 indexes slip on Sunday

  • Do the Europeans want to squeeze out Tsipras?

    For Greece, last week was a bad week. First, the government could not secure an agreement on a relief of its huge debt in a meeting with finance ministers of the Eurozone and the IMF on May 22.

  • FIRST: Sail away

    What inspired you to pursue a career in the sailing world?I think my character has had a lot to do with it: I have a great sense of adventure that is totally fulfilled in this line of work. My love for the sea is also a big factor - and ...

  • Malta’s vacant seat in plenary EU migrant debate disappoints MEPs

    Last Tuesday, an important European Union debate on migration was not attended by any representative from Malta. MEPs disappointedly noted the absence of a representative from the current European Council, Malta. Dutch politician Jeroen Lenears, an MEP from the European People’s Party said it was “a shame” that there was ...

  • Watch: Egrant and allegations of corruption dominate leaders' political debate at University

    As expected, the Leaders political debate at the University of Malta was dominated by corruption allegations, as Panama and Egrant became the two key words common to all the five contenders.Hundreds of students, who usually are either sitting in the sun having some cold drink between one lecture and another, ...

  • FIRST: Sailing Sicily... The east coast on a budget

    'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.'       We took Mark Twain's famous quote - ...

  • France inaugurates new president: Emmanuel Macron, 39

    Emmanuel Macron was inaugurated Sunday as France's new president at the Elysee Palace in Paris, and immediately launched into his mission to shake up French politics, world economics and the European Union.The 39-year-old Macron is the youngest president in the country's history and the 8th president of France's Fifth Republic, ...

  • McDonald’s licencee Premier Capital exceeds €200 million turnover in 2016

    Premier Capital plc, the Maltese-owned developmental licencee for McDonald’s in six European markets, has registered turnover in excess of €200 million for the year ended December 31, 2016. Turnover for the year more than doubled year-on-year following the acquisition of the Romanian market in January 2016.Thanks to its team of ...

  • IMF, eurozone say need more time to reach Greek debt relief deal

    The International Monetary Fund and eurozone government lenders need more time to reach an agreement on debt relief for Greece because the euro zone is still not sufficiently clear in its intentions, IMF chief Christine Lagarde said today. Top eurozone officials and Lagarde met on the sidelines of a G7 finance ...

  • McDonald’s licencee Premier Capital exceeds €200 million turnover in 2016

    Premier Capital, the Maltese-owned developmental licencee for McDonald’s in six European markets, has registered turnover in excess of €200 million for the year ended December 31. Turnover for the year more than doubled year-on-year following the acquisition of the Romanian market in January 2016. Thanks to its team of 7,000 people ...

  • WFP study finds food insecurity accelerates global migration

    Source: World Food Programme Country: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Gambia, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, WorldThe report clearly establishes that high levels of food insecurity lead to higher levels of migration across borders. ROME – At a time when a record-high number of people ...

  • Delayed family reunification process causing psychosocial distress to refugee children - UNICEF

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, WorldIn 2016, nearly 5,000 family reunification requests, 700 from unaccompanied and separated children, were made from Greece, with only 1,107 applicants reaching their destination country by the end of the year.NEW YORK / GENEVA, ...

  • Focus sugli ETF 3 maggio 2017 - [video]

    (Teleborsa) - Aggiorna i nuovi massimi il mercato azionario europeo. L'ETF che investe sui titoli più capitalizzati della Grecia e l'ETF esposto sui titoli del mercato giapponese sono i migliori...

  • Greece, lenders reach preliminary deal on bailout reforms

    Greece has reached a preliminary deal with its creditors that should pave the way for long-awaited debt relief talks, the Greek finance minister said on May 2.

  • Greeks mark May Day with strike, protests

    Greek trade unions marked May Day on Monday with a 24-hour nationwide strike and protests against looming new cuts demanded by the country’s creditors in return for bailout cash. Some 10,000 people demonstrated in Athens while another 3,500 marched in Thessaloniki, police said. The strike, on a public holiday in ...

  • Vatican appoints new Apostolic Nuncio to Malta

    Monsignor Alessandro D’Errico, titular Archbishop of Carini and currently Apostolic Nuncio in Croatia, has been appointed new Apostolic Nuncio for Malta.Mgr D’Errico was born in Frattamaggiore in Naples, Italy, in 1950. He was ordained priest in 1974 and he was incardinated in the Diocese of Aversa. He studied at the Pontifical ...

  • Shareholders reject idea of Lombard Bank buying own shares in Cyprus Popular Bank

        Lombard Bank shareholders have rejected the idea of the bank buying its own shares in Cyprus Popular Bank. The bank asked shareholders to authorise it to pay a minimum of €1.54 and a maximum of €3.09 per ordinary share, with the share price currently at €2.411. The bank had intended to bid ...

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