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On this battlefield man has no better weapon than his intelligence, no other force but his heart
— José Rizal
  • Combative Trump concedes Russia's role in election hacking

    In a combative and freewheeling news conference, President-elect Donald Trump said for the first time Wednesday that he accepts Russia was behind the election year hacking of Democrats that roiled the White House race. Looking ahead, he urged Congress to move quickly to replace President Barack Obama's signature health care ...

  • SET tops all Asean markets in 2016

    Thailand's economy may have struggled to gain momentum this year but the country's stock market was the best performer in Southeast Asia and second-best in all of Asia Pacific.

  • Vanilla Air launches Narita-Cebu flights

    Budget carrier Vanilla Air has launched regular flights from Narita airport to Mactan-Cebu International Airport in the Philippines. The unit of ANA holdings Inc. is the first domestic carrier to offer a regular daily round trip between Narita and the resort island of Cebu. As more and more Japanese are ...

  • Chinese foreign investment likely to increase

    BEIJING: Chinese investment in Thailand is set to grow further next year as both large and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have expressed their interest in using Thailand as a production base in Asean, says the Industry Ministry.

  • Philippines taps China-backed AIIB to fix infrastructure

    MANILA - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has tapped a China-backed multilateral lender to help fund his government's "unprecedented infrastructure buildup", the finance minister said Monday, as he seeks closer relations with Beijing.

  • Understanding the challenges in developing future leaders

    Thai business is at a crossroads. The rapidity of information, the advancement of communication and technology, the great diversity in the workforce and thriving Asean markets all reinforce the dramatic change that holds great promise but also poses major challenges. Meeting these challenges requires proactive learning and adaptation as well ...

  • Philippines nixes Trump associate's project over concerns

    MANILA - Philippine environment officials have canceled a compliance certificate for a housing project by president-elect Donald Trump's business associate, saying it would endanger a watershed that supplies drinking water to 12 million people.

  • Philippine official says President Duterte 'exaggerating' over killings

    The Philippine justice secretary says President Rodrigo Duterte often exaggerates killings of criminals he supposedly carried out in order to send a chilling warning to lawbreakers. Vitaliano Aguirre II told reporters that Mr Duterte may have been resorting to hyperbole when he suggested in a recent speech that he used to ...

  • Ford sees higher Asean sales

    US carmaker Ford Motor Co expects to end the year with higher sales in the Asean market after posting sales growth in the first 10 months of this year, notably in Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

  • Philippines fastest-growing economy in developing Asia

    MANILA - The Philippine economy grew at its fastest pace in three years last quarter, underscoring the nation’s resilience to global risks as investment surged and consumers spent more.

  • Rohingya in Malaysia, Thailand continue to face threats

    Source: Refugees International Country: Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar, ThailandRohingya asylum-seekers in both countries, including women and children who survived the 2015 boat crisis, continue to face possible detention and restricted access to basic human rights. A year and a half ago, thousands of desperate Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants and asylum-seekers were abandoned at ...

  • Focus Paese

    ASEAN, alla scoperta delle opportunità offerte dal Sudest asiatico

    In un contesto internazionale in cui le prospettive di bassa crescita sembrano essere ormai diventate la triste regola piuttosto che una sfortunata eccezione c’è un’area del continente asiatico che vanta invece ottime prospettive di sviluppo negli anni a venire. Quest’area geografica corrisponde all’ASEAN ovvero l’organizzazione politica, economica e culturale che riunisce ...

  • Focus Paese

    Filippine, un mercato da 100 milioni di consumatori

    “Sono il presidente di uno stato sovrano, ed è da molto tempo che non siamo più una colonia. Non ho nessun padrone al di fuori dei cittadini filippini, nessuno di nessuno. Devi avere rispetto. Non devi fare domande. Figlio di puttana, ti insulterò in quell'incontro”. Questa è stata la reazione di ...

  • Thai mobile e-commerce serves as Asean role model

    Thailand can serve as a role model for mobile business development in Asean because of its solid economic fundamentals and the presence of top global technology firms, says a technology event management company.

  • IFRC launches emergency appeal to assist people affected by Typhoon Haima

    Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies Country: PhilippinesIFRC seeks fund to bring immediate and medium-term aid to 20,000 people in North and Central Luzon, as well as to support their recovery and increase their resilience to future shocks. This Emergency Appeal is being issued on preliminary basis and ...

  • Beijing-Manila thaw heralds economic embrace

    Countries sign $13.5bn in trade deals as Duterte distances Manila from US

  • Activists fret about RCEP impact

    Activists are warning of negative fallout from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) being negotiated between Asean member countries and six other trade partners.

  • Shocking video shows police van ramming into protesters outside US embassy in Manila

    A Philippine police van rammed into protesters, leaving several bloodied, as an anti-US rally turned violent at the American embassy in Manila. At least three student activists had to be taken to hospital after they were run over by the van driven by a police officer, protest leader Renato Reyes said. TV ...

  • Adapting to Asean

    The appeal of Southeast Asia as a business destination has long been clear, dating back to the spice trade that began centuries ago. While the region has experienced startling economic growth in recent decades, its aspirations to be a developed hub for global businesses remain largely unrealised.

  • Foreign patients buoy private hospitals

    With strong support from the Thai government to promote medical tourism at a time when the Asean has become a single economic community, demand for Thai medical services from foreigners is expected to rise substantially over the next several years, according to the Kasikorn Research Centre (K-Research).

  • Uncertainty over Philippine president alarms investors

    MANILA - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's bloody anti-drug war and his foul-mouthed outbursts in defence of the campaign have unnerved foreign investors in one of Asia's fastest-growing economies.