Vai alla Scheda Paese »On this battlefield man has no better weapon than his intelligence, no other force but his heart
— José Rizal
On this battlefield man has no better weapon than his intelligence, no other force but his heart
— José Rizal
Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu met ambassadors of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in capital Ankara on July 29 ahead of a summit in Singapore.
Non è più un optional, ma è diventata una vera necessità quella di diversificare sempre più l'export rispetto ai tradizionali Paesi-partner avanzati di sbocco, in direzione delle aree...
The state-owned Digital Economy Promotion Agency (Depa) on Friday launched an accelerator programme meant to help startups capitalise on the vast size of the Asean market.
Senior Asean officials are scheduled to meet in Singapore during July 6-11 to discuss joint development of e-commerce to facilitate digital business and consumer protection for cross-border online purchases among member states.
Southeast Asia can offer market and business opportunities to South Korea with its young, digitally connected and growin
Thailand's monetary policy is expected to remain accommodative until year-end, given that high foreign reserves and subdued inflation provide the policy space, says the Asean+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (Amro).
Light vehicle sales in Asean are expected to show healthy growth this year, led by a rosier outlook for Thailand, but there are gloomier prospects for other key markets, according to research firm LMC Automotive.
The state-run Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency met with the chiefs of its Southeast Asian and Southwest Asian cen
Con Giorgio Guglielmino, Ambasciatore della Repubblica d'Italia nella Repubblica delle Filippine, si sono analizzate le significative opportunità offerte dal mercato filippino: giovane, in espansione ed affezionato al Made in Italy. Quali sono le principali caratteristiche del mercato filippino? Le Filippine sono una realtà giovane ed in pieno sviluppo: queste due caratteristiche sono ...
Manila: The Asean+3 (China, Japan and South Korea) countries want a commitment in terms of multilateral trade to maintain trading growth among member states.
Le Filippine sono il 12esimo Paese più popolato e la 43esima economia più grande al mondo e rappresentano una destinazione molto attraente per gli investitori internazionali. Goldman Sachs le inserisce nelle “Next Eleven”, ovvero tra le undici economie con le migliori prospettive di sviluppo del XXI secolo e prevede che ...
Nakhon Phanom must commercialise its land surrounding the Third Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge to "unlock its potential" as a main logistics hub for international trade in Asean and southern China, Northeastern Thai Industries Federation chairman Viroj Pipatchaisiri says.
MANILA: The Asian Development Bank raised its 2018 economic growth estimate for developing Asia to 6% from 5.8%, citing solid export demand, but said US protectionist measures and any retaliation against them could undermine trade.
SINGAPORE: As a US-China trade war threatens to wreak collateral damage on the globally-connected North Asian economies, Southeast Asia’s domestically-focused and relatively cheap stocks are looking more appealing.
SYDNEY: The leaders of Australia and Singapore closed a regional summit on Sunday with a stand against against protectionism, arguing in favour of multi-nation trade deals as fears mount that US plans for new tariffs could stoke a global trade war.
More opportunities are opening for Thai small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as expands its footprint in business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce here as part of its Asean expansion outside of Singapore.
Il numero di italiani interessati a trasferirsi nel bellissimo Paese asiatico è in forte crescita. Ecco tutto quello che c’è da sapere prima di fare la valigie e partire per le Filippine! La Repubblica Presidenziale delle Filippine attira oggi un numero interessante di turisti, imprenditori e cittadini privati italiani come dimostrano ...
“Oggi abbiamo discusso di misure concrete volte a rafforzare le nostre relazioni bilaterali. La Thailandia è per noi un partner commerciale di primo piano nell’ASEAN ed una destinazione privilegiata per numerose imprese italiane”. Così il ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione...
SINGAPORE: Trade ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) this week discussed Singapore's proposal to develop a digital economy in the region, especially a framework to promote the use of e-commerce in the region, at their meeting in the city-state.
German business shirt brand Olymp is entering the local market, aiming to use Thailand as a springboard to expand into Asean.
Thailand finished last year with export growth of 9.9%, the highest in six years, propelled by higher purchases from key trading partners, especially the US, EU, Asean and China.