Vai alla Scheda Paese »Non ha storia la Storia, non ha alveo.
— Còstas Mòntis
Non ha storia la Storia, non ha alveo.
— Còstas Mòntis
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has slammed a joint declaration adopted at the Fifth Summit of the Southern European Union Countries (Med7) held in Greek Cyprus on Jan. 29.
Turkey will begin drilling for resources around Cyprus, Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu has said.
'It [Cyprus] being drawn into U.S. and NATO plans in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East will inevitably lead to dangerous and destabilising consequences for Cyprus itself,' declared Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
Over 40 years of U.N.-led federal partnership negotiations to resolve the Cyprus issue have failed to yield a result and there is no sign that this will change in the foreseeable future.
Turkey will start its own exploration operations for natural resources in licensed areas of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry, said on Nov. 18.
A denunciarlo è uno studio appena dato alla luce dal Parlamento europeo che, a pochi mesi dal precedente rapporto di marzo, mette sotto la lente sempre i soliti Paesi – a cominciare da Lussemburgo, Belgio, Olanda, Irlanda, Malta, Cipro e Ungheria ...
Ankara will continue natural gas drilling work around the island of Cyprus to establish the fair sharing resources, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Oct. 16.
Gazit-Globe second-quarter profit falls on drop in value of investment properties ■ Cyprus to renegotiate revenue-sharing pact with Aphrodite gas field partners ■ Delek Drilling profits rise as natural gas consumption reaches record
Turkey's Foreign Ministry has slammed the remarks made by a number of foreign ambassadors in a recent conference in Greek Cyprus, calling them to "not exceed their authority."
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has left for Azerbaijan and Turkish Cyprus, making his first foreign trip since being sworn in as Turkey’s first executive president with sweeping powers.
Limak Holding has opened a new hotel in northern Cyprus for an investment value of $200 million, the group chair has announced.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy said reunifying Cyprus as a federation may not be possible with the current approach of Greek Cypriots and suggested that alternatives should be sought to resolve the island nation’s decades-long ethnic division.
Il sorpasso della Spagna è solo l'antipasto. Secondo il Fondo monetario internazionale, in fatto di Pil pro capite a parità di potere d’acquisto l’Italia nei prossimi cinque anni verrà superata anche da Cipro, Repubblica Ceca, Lituania e Repubblica Slovacca...
Oluwafemi Apena is the country manager of University of Cyprus for Africa, UNICAF, and Educational Services in Nigeria. In this interview with ADENIYI ADUNOLA, he explains why Nigerians must embrace online study. Excerpts: We know UNICAF is partnering with other educational institutions. How fruitful has the partnership been? First and ...
The Turkish side is still optimistic for resuming reunification talks for the divided island of Cyprus following a failed process in 2017.
Turkish Cypriots will launch their own exploration for oil and gas around Cyprus if Greek Cypriots persist with their own plans, their foreign minister said on March 9, as an uneasy standoff lingered over offshore resources.
(Teleborsa) - New entry sul mercato italiano dell'aviazione commerciale. E' Tus Airways, compagnia aerea di Cipro, che ha lanciato la prima tratta diretta tra l'aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino e lo scalo...
L'esecutivo comunitario ha puntato il dito contro governi che hanno politiche fiscali aggressive: il Belgio, Cipro, Malta, l'Ungheria, l'Olanda, il Lussemburgo e l'Irlanda. «Queste pratiche mettono in pericolo l'equità, l'omogeneità del mercato unico – ha detto in una conferenza stampa qui a Bruxelles il commissario agli affari monetari Pierre Moscovici»...
The Greek Cypriot administration will not be permitted to continue engaging in unilateral natural gas exploration activities in the Mediterranean without the consent of Turkish Cypriots, Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Kudret Özersay has said.
L’Italia è l’unico grande paese di Eurolandia a non aver superato il massimo precedente la Grande recessione. Traguardo raggiunto invece per la Spagna. Tra i paesi minori di Eurolandia, soltanto Grecia, Portogallo, Cipro e Finlandia mancano il traguardo che potrebbe essere stato invece raggiunto, l’anno scorso, dalla Lettonia e sfiorato ...
(Teleborsa) - La Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) ha approvato il primo progetto di infrastruttura a Cipro nell'ambito del Fondo europeo per gli investimenti strategici (FEIS), al centro del...