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  • UN urges patience in ongoing Cyprus peace talks

    The United Nations’ new secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, has urged the parties in the Cyprus peace talks in Geneva to be patient to reach a “solid and sustainable” solution, as the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot leaders were accompanied by the foreign ministers of the three guarantor powers for the first ...

  • Turkey will not abandon its guarantor role in Cyprus: Minister

    As the leaders of divided Cyprus settled down for a week of intense talks on Jan. 9, seeking to reach the outline of a peace deal to end decades of separation, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has vowed that Ankara would never withdraw from its guarantor position on the island.

  • Endgame looms in efforts to reunite Cyprus after 43 years

    The division of Cyprus is now in its 43rd year. Next week may mark the decisive moment when the small eastern Mediterranean island nation starts to be stitched back together again.After 19 months of talks aimed at reunifying the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot south with the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north, ...

  • Parties not proceeding on four chapters in Cyprus talks: Turkish FM

    The parties to the Cyprus dispute have not been able to proceed on four negotiation topics on the issue, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said, adding that the Greek Cypriots had focused on guarantees and security issues, instead of discussing topics on other chapters, before a new round of talks ...

  • Turkish, Greek FMs to meet in New York ahead of Cyprus talks

    Turkey and Greece’s respective foreign ministers, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and Nikos Kotzias, will meet in New York to discuss the Cyprus reunification talks in Geneva next week, Turkish diplomatic sources have said.

  • Turkish FM due to meet new UN secretary-general before Cyprus talks

    Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu will visit New York on Jan. 5 to meet with Antonio Guterres, who assumed his duties as the United Nations Secretary General on Jan. 1.

  • Fiscalità Internazionale

    Quali sono i 15 paradisi fiscali più aggressivi del mondo?

    Ormai è un dato di fatto: la “battaglia delle tasse” sta contagiando anche i Paesi dell'Unione europea. Olanda, Irlanda, Lussemburgo e Cipro sono infatti entrati nella classifica dei 15 paradisi fiscali societari più aggressivi del mondo, secondo l'ultimo rapporto di Oxfam, dal titolo - appunto - “Tax Battles”. I 15 paradisi ...

  • The Cyprus guarantees problem

    Probably excluding the academic-turned Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and a minority of like-minded other politicians from all ideologies, particularly conservatives, Greece appears to have washed its hands of Cyprus.

  • Eni si aggiudica due blocchi esplorativi nell'offshore di Cipro

    (Teleborsa) - Eni è stata selezionata per l'assegnazione di due blocchi esplorativi nell'offshore di Cipro. L'annuncio è stato dato ieri dal Ministero per l'Energia, Commercio,...

  • EU slows Turkey membership talks over coup crackdown

    The European Union on Tuesday expressed deep concern about Turkey's security crackdown since the failed coup in July but stopped short of officially freezing membership talks with the country.At talks in Brussels, EU foreign and European affairs ministers decided that no new sections of Turkey's accession negotiations should be started ...

  • Special Emirates fares to Dubai and Cyprus

    Ringing in the festive season, Emirates is launching special companion fares to inspire and encourage travellers to experience Dubai and Cyprus or re-visit these favourite destinations.  Emirates is also extending its great value fares in Economy Class to 24 select destinations in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South Pacific. Two ...

  • Editorial: Voter enfranchisement and disenfranchisement

    The issue that the Nationalist Party has with the way in which those who have purchased Maltese citizenship are being enfranchised to vote is not so much an Opposition issue as it is a national issue that should affect each and every one of us to the core.The right to ...

  • After failed talks, UK says solution in Cyprus ‘within reach with flexibility, creativity’

    A peaceful solution on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus is within reach “with flexibility and creativity,” U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said before a visit to the island on Nov. 30.

  • Turkish FM talks to UN adviser over Cyprus after failed talks

    Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu spoke with United Nations Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide over the phone late Nov. 27 after a recent failure in peace talks

  • OHSA commended for its actions by a European team of Evaluators

    The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) has been commended following an evaluation exercise conducted on behalf of the European Commission by representatives of the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) in October. The 8 person-strong evaluation team was headed by Finland and included members from Estonia, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Cyprus ...

  • Medserv awarded contract for logistics support to Eni North Africa

    Medserv announced today that the company have been re-awarded a contract by Eni North Africa (EniNa) to provide logistics base and associated services for its exploration activities taking place offshore and onshore Libya. The contract duration is for a period of one year with the possibility of extending for another ...

  • Nurse gets €16,000 in compensation as court rules her job transfer was abusive

    A nurse received €16,270 as compensation as the court ruled that her transfer from a ward in Mater Dei Hospital to St Vincent de Paul was abusive.The case goes back to August 2011 when Rita Vella was transferred from a highly specialized ward at Mater Dei Hospital to St Vincent ...

  • Inauguration of Greywater Recycling System in Helen Keller Resource Centre

    The Greywater Recycling System installed in Hellen Keller, Resource Center that will enable the reuse of treated water for garden irrigation was inauguratedtoday by Her Excellency, ThePresident Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. The installation is part of the globally recognized Alter Aqua program,which was introduced in 2011in the Maltese Islandsby The ...

  • La legge di bilancio italiana rischia di non rispettare il patto di stabilità

    La legge di bilancio italiana rischia di non rispettare il patto di stabilità. Il parere del ministro europeo degli affari economici è arrivato il 16 novembre. Tuttavia Bruxelles non boccia completamente la manovra del governo Renzi, e riconosce le difficoltà dell’Italia, in particolare riguardo ai terremoti nell’Italia centrale e all’accoglienza ...

  • Cyprus peace talks a ‘last chance,’ Turkish foreign minister says

    Current peace talks on reuniting the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus are a “last chance” and five-party negotiations that include Turkey, Greece and the United Kingdom should start swiftly, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Nov. 13

  • World Cup 2018: Belgium score eight against Estonia, Ronaldo nets two for Portugal

    Belgium enjoyed an eight-goal rout in World Cup qualifying on Sunday, and Cristiano Ronaldo managed just two — and missed a penalty — as Portugal also won.Belgium, which beat Estonia 8-1, and Switzerland extended their perfect starts to join Germany as the only European teams with four straight wins on ...

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