• Marketing Internazionale

    How to negotiate in Nigeria

    Nigeria has a population of more than 190 million people. Nigeria's economy is strong and there are many possibilities to do business in this country but the people of Nigeria are largely unaware of the rules of the western world. They have their unique understandings and perspectives on how to conduct business ...

  • 21 Nov Italian Innovation Days

    Iniziativa promossa da Agenzia ITA/ICE, Camera di Commercio Italiana a Singapore,CNR, Enea, Confindustria Sistemi Innovativi, Compagnia delle Opere, Enel, Unioncamere, Unioncamere Lazio eUnindustria, in partnership con la rete Enterprise Europe Network e realizzata in collaborazione con la Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, la Singapore Business Federation e la Singapore Manufacturing ...