• 30 Apr Esportare la Dolce Vita

    Si terrà il prossimo 11 maggio, presso il Padiglione Italia di Expo2015, la presentazione della sesta edizione della ricerca "Esportare la dolce vita. Il bello e ben fatto italiano nei nuovi mercati", curata dal Centro Studi di Confindustria e da Prometeia.L'edizione di quest'anno si concentra sul turismo e sul settore ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    La Cina e il processo di internazionalizzazione del RMB – Renminbi

    Lo scorso anno abbiamo festeggiato i dieci anni di partenariato strategico tra l’Italia e la Cina, quest’anno saranno celebrati i 45 anni dall’inizio delle relazioni diplomatiche: a crescere nel tempo sono state naturalmente anche le attività economiche e finanziarie sino-italiane. La cooperazione bilaterale é in continua crescita e Cina e ...

  • 28 Apr China Italy agri food forum

    L’ICE-Agenzia, in collaborazione con il CCPIT, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade e sotto l’egida del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, del Ministero dell'Agricoltura cinese e del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, organizza il China-Italy Agrifood Cooperation Forum.Nell’ambito delle iniziative dell’EXPO il Forum costituirà il momento istituzionale e ...

  • 31 Mar Forum: RMB - Going Global

    Si terrà il prossimo 16 aprile il Forum “RMB: GOING GLOBAL“ organizzato da Bank of China, Socio sostenitore della Fondazione Italia Cina, al quale parteciperà tra gli altri, Mr. Cao Yuanzheng, Chief Economist di Bank of China.Interverranno inoltre il Prof. Paolo Savona - Professore emerito di Politica economica, già Ministro ...

  • China state broadcaster takes aim at foreign carmakers

    CCTV reprimands Nissan, Shanghai Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar Rover.

  • Trade deficit with China on the rise

    Viet Nam's trade deficit with China has continued to widen over the past two months, a recent report of the Ministry of Industry and Trade revealed.

  • China Surpasses Germany in Arms Trade

    China has become the world’s third-largest arms exporter and cut its dependence on imports by producing more-sophisticated weapons.

  • Korea-China FTA to Be Signed by Late April at the Earliest...Trade Minister

    The free trade agreement between China and Korea is expected to be signed by late April. Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Yoon Sang-jick said on March 13 in a National Assembly Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee meeting, "[The Korea-China FTA] will be signed before the end of the first ...

  • Foreign Auto Firms Under Fire in China

    China’s government-controlled television broadcaster took aim at foreign car makers and dealers on a day dedicated to consumer rights, alleging problems from pricing to quality in the auto-industry market.

  • China pledges to act if GDP growth flags

    Premier Li Keqiang says Beijing is ready to ‘step up’ targeted measures if growth falls below ‘proper range’

  • Business: Dar in talks with China on funding for wind farm

    Tanzania is in talks with the Export-Import Bank of China (EximBank) for a $132 million loan to fund the country's first wind power project, the energy ministry said.

  • China lifts ban of foreign majority control of steelmakers

    Analysts doubt whether overhaul comes in time to revive beleaguered industry.

  • China issues final list of restricted foreign investment sectors

    Country vows to increase the competitiveness of its economy

  • Hyundai and Kia See Strategic Model Sales Up Sharply in BRICS

    Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors saw the sales of their strategic models rise by 25 percent in the BRICS during the January-February period of this year, although the sales of their general models showed a marked decline there.   Despite the overall slump facing the automobile markets of emerging economies such as ...

  • China central bank chief says to maintain prudent policy as economy slows

    After a raft of data suggested the world’s second-largest economy lost further momentum early in the new year

  • China likely to roll out deposit insurance, free up rates in 2015

    Governor Zhou details plans to introduce more liberalisation to the financial sector.

  • Iran, China to raise trade to $60b in one year

    Iran and China hope to bring the level of their trade exchanges to $60 billion from the current $52 billion in a year or so, the head of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce says.   “We are determined to raise the volume of our trade with China to $60 billion at the ...

  • Iran, China to raise trade to $60b in one year

    Iran and China hope to bring the level of their trade exchanges to $60 billion from the current $52 billion in a year or so, the head of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce says.   “We are determined to raise the volume of our trade with China to $60 billion at the ...

  • China Jan-Feb property sales post biggest fall in 3 years

    CHINA'S property sales in the first two months of 2015 dropped by the most in three years amid a glut of housing supply, and real estate investment growth eased.

  • Unions square up to Obama over Asia trade deal

    [WASHINGTON] A top US trade union federation said on Wednesday it would withhold key election spending as it builds a war chest to fight President Barack Obama's pending trade deal with Asia.

  • Data confirms China economy still losing steam

    GROWTH in China's investment, retail sales and factory output all missed forecasts in January and February and fell to multi-year lows, leaving investors with little doubt that the economy is still losing steam and in need of further support measures.