• Nigeria

    ‘NCC contributed N1.4tr to economy’

    The Chief Executive Officer of Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC), Prof. Umar Danbatta, said the commission has contributed more than N1.4 trillion to the economy since its inception. Danbatta said this when he delivered the 46th Convocation Lecture of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka,  on Thursday, the News Agency of Nigeria ...

  • Nigeria

    Ensure Independence of  judiciary, new Chief judge tells Obaseki

        The New Chief Judge of Edo State, Justice Esohe Frances Ikponmwen, has tasked Governor Godwin Obaseki to respect the rule of law and ensure independence of the judiciary as enshrined in section 6 of the Nigeria Constitution. Justice Ikponmwen who spoke after she was sworn-in as the Chief ...

  • Francia

    Les dernières déclarations de GRTgaz relèvent de la "spéculation", selon le PDG de Sonatrach

    Les dernières déclarations d'un responsable de GRTgaz  (filiale de la société française Engie) faisant état d'une rupture dans l'approvisionnement  en gaz du sud ouest de la France à partir de l'Algérie relèvent de la "spéculation",  a affirmé jeudi à Alger le P-dg de Sonatrach, Amine Mazouzi.   "Nous n'avons entendu ni ...

  • Algeria Kuwait

    Des résultats en hausse en 2016

    AGB lancera prochainement de nouveaux produits destinés aux professionnels (leasing-pro) et aux particuliers (Crédit Tes’hilat, crédit Sayarati, Epargne Start & Smart). Gulf Bank Algeria (AGB), une banque de droit algérien contrôlée par le holding d’investissement Kuwait Projects Company (KIPCO), a réalisé de solides performances financières durant l’exercice 2016 en dépit ...

  • Francia

    Production du GNL : Le mégatrain de Skikda à l’arrêt

    Le manque à produire, suite à l’arrêt du complexe de Skikda, peut facilement être compensé par le complexe gazier d’Arzew. A peine avait-il redémarré, le 12 janvier, que le complexe gazier de Skikda a de nouveau cessé toute production dimanche dernier. Si les causes ayant conduit à son premier arrêt ...

  • USA

    Tanzania: Govt Seeks U.S.$785 Million Soft Loan From World Bank

    [Daily News] Tanzania's government is seeking a 785 million US dollar (over 1.7tri/-) soft loan from the World Bank to execute development projects in the next fiscal year, Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Philip Mpango, revealed yesterday.

  • Uruguay

    GrandVision, nuevo desafío para Carat y iProspect Uruguay.

    El líder mundial en retail óptico, confía a Dentsu Aegis Network los servicios de medios y de marketing digital.

  • Regno Unito

    Passengers filmed chanting anti-semitic songs on their way to City-Spurs match

    Anti-Semitic songs chanted by passengers on a tram ahead of the Manchester City’s Premier League meeting with Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday have been widely condemned by the Jewish community. Video footage on a tram ahead of the match appears to show supporters heading to the match singing ‘you’re getting gassed in ...

  • Malta

    Entrepreneur Maurice Mizzi appointed 'Guardian of Future Generations'

    Businessman Maurice Mizzi has been appointed the first Guardian of Future Generations, part of a new high-level commission intended to promote sustainable development in government and industry. The new body, announced by Environment Minister Jose Herrera, will be tasked with promoting sustainable development in the public and private sector, developing networks ...

  • Russia Turchia USA Malta

    Minister George Vella presents Maltese presidency priorities at European Parliament

    Minister for Foreign Affairs George W. Vella presented the priorities of the Maltese presidency of the European Union at the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET).Minister Vella primarily addressed the EU enlargement process and gave an overview of the state of play concerning the progress registered by individual countries ...