• USA Spagna

    Exportation de l’huile d’olive : Pourquoi ça grince

    Alors que plusieurs pays méditerranéens, dont la Tunisie, exportent aujourd’hui de l’huile d’olive à coups de milliards de dollars par an, l’Algérie reste derrière et peine encore à rentabiliser ce secteur prometteur. Blady, cette entreprise de Béjaïa, qui a réussi à exporter sa production aux USA et en Europe, en ...

  • USA

    New US policy spells disaster for refugees

    Source: Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement Country: United States of America, WorldThe actions by the Trump administration will close doors to refugees, who are already required to undergo thorough vetting. This is a major problem, both for its direct effects and for possible ripples internationally.The international refugee system, constructed in the ...

  • USA Yemen

    UN warns of impending famine in Yemen

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenHumanitarian chief says the conflict in Yemen is now the primary driver of the largest food security emergency in the world: 14 million people are food insecure, of whom half are severely food insecure. New York, 26 January 2017 As delivered. Mr. President, I thank ...

  • Nuova Zelanda

    Large industrial building fire in Upper Hutt north of Wellington

    Firefighters got medical attention as a precautionary measure after a carpet underlay business in Upper Hutt went up in flames.

  • Nuova Zelanda

    Fake reference led to the discovery of nearly $40,000 fraud

    As she was being sentenced for defrauding Wellington Airport, Jenna Davidson offered a glowing reference from her new boss at ACC.

  • Spagna

    La firma española niega vinculación con

    El director de Comunicaciones de la empresa española Sacyr, Pedro Alonso Ruiz, afirmó categóricamente ayer que no tienen ningún vínculo directo ni relación con la aseguradora Royal Seguros SA, de la cual es accionista el jefe de Gabinete de la Presidencia, Juan Carlos López Moreira. Dijo que este seguro fue ...

  • Malta

    Marlene Mizzi calls on Maltese Presidency to ensure abolition of roaming charges as promised

    During a presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme within Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO), MEP Marlene Mizzi requested the Maltese Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business, Dr Chris Cardona, to ensure that the promise which the European Parliament made to the citizens for the abolition of ...

  • Malta

    INDEPTH: Alfred Sant insists Malta got bad deal with EU membership, but does not advocate Maltexit

    Former Labour Prime Minister Alfred Sant still holds the opinion that Malta should have remained out of the European Union and has given more than it has received, but says that he is not advocating for Malta's departure from the EU as the British will be doing.Interviewed by The Malta ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    Konrad Mizzi's Panama situation affects Malta’s EU Presidency – PANA committee member

    Minister Konrad Mizzi having acquired a company in Panama has affected Malta’s Presidency of the EU Council to some extent, Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe MEP Petr Jezek told The Malta Independent.“We could see this during the Maltese Finance Minister’s presentation of Malta’s Presidency priorities ...

  • USA

    Mexican president says he will not attend meeting with Trump

    Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said Thursday he will not attend a planned Jan. 31 meeting with President Donald J. Trump, hours after Trump tweeted that the meeting should be canceled if Mexico won't pay for a border wall.Pena Nieto's message on Twitter ended days of uncertainty about how he ...