• USA Malta

    President highlights media responsibility, praises joint initiative

    President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca yesterday spoke about the responsibilities of the media in promoting peace and well-being, highlighting the initiative taken by three independent newspapers on migration issues taken on Wednesday.Times of Malta, The Malta Independent and Malta Today on Wednesday ran a common leader calling upon the government ...

  • Malta

    Former MFA boss loses two libel suits over Bayern Munich game misappropriation claims

    A court has thrown out two libel suits filed by former MFA President Joe Mifsud against his successor, Norman Damanin Demajo, and two journalists. Dr Mifsud had sued Mr Darmanin Demajo and Illum editor Kurt Sansone and journalist Mark Attard over an infamous deal with German football team Bayern Munich. ...

  • Malta

    Move September MATSEC exams to November, allow provisional entry at University – report

    The September session of the MATSEC examinations could be moved to November and the University should consider accepting students on a provisional basis, meaning that those who fail their May exams could avoid missing a whole year, the Education Ministry is being told. The suggestion is one of 26 recommendations ...

  • Turchia USA Austria Malta

    Editorial - Migrants in Libyan limbo: Europe’s credibility on the line

    Malta currently has several migration-related issues on its plate.  These include the call it is facing from a united independent media to refrain from deporting holders of temporary humanitarian protection status, the issue of statelessness, which the government yesterday evening pledged to address in the near future, and the enormous ...

  • Panama Malta

    Panama Papers outcome could lead to policies on opening of trusts – Alfred Sant

    One of the outcomes of the Panama Papers scandal could be the “development of policies among European countries that would totally open up the structures by which trusts are run,” Labour MEP Alfred Sant said.Writing in his blog on The Malta Independent today, Dr Sant once again expressed concern that ...

  • USA

    Six Maltese language associations happy with new amendments to Maltese Language law

    Six Maltese Language institutions and associations said they are happy that the new amendments, unanimously approved by Parliament, were arrived at following a long meeting organised by the Minister for Education over the Christmas holidays."We are convinced that the amendments as approved will strengthen the National Council for the Maltese Language ...

  • Regno Unito

    UK lawmakers support bill to trigger EU exit talks

    Britain moved closer to leaving the European Union Wednesday as lawmakers backed a bill authorizing divorce proceedings and kept alive the government's plan to trigger Brexit talks within weeks.The House of Commons decisively backed the bill by 498 votes to 114, sending it on for committee scrutiny. The result was ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Updated: UK Brexit plan seeks close EU ties, but details still short

    Britain is leaving the European Union's single market but wants a "frictionless" new trade relationship with the bloc, the government said Thursday in the most detailed account yet of its EU exit plans.In a bid to ease uncertainty around the U.K.'s exit from the European Union — and appease opposition ...

  • USA Kenya

    Die cast as Kikuyu elders lay curses on S.K. Macharia over betrayal

    About 100 Kikuyu elders gathered in Ndakaini village on Tuesday to place a curse on S.K. Macharia, saying he had betrayed his community. The elders from across the country performed rituals including slaughtering a single-coloured he-goat and roasting it, during their meeting in Gatanga constituency, Murang'a county. They muttered curses ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Nyatike MP Omondi Anyanga accuses Treasury of under-funding Konza

    The Government has been challenged to offer incentives to make the Sh1.48 trillion technology hub, Konza City, attractive to local investors. Nyatike MP Omondi Anyanga said the Jubilee government should be worried that the mega project, envisioned to be Kenya's Silicon Savannah, has so far attracted only foreigners and multinationals.