• Malta

    Increasing minimum wage by €80 a month 'won't break economy'

    Increasing the minimum wage by €80-a-month will not break the economy’s back, campaigners insist at the first stop of a round-Malta tour. The campaigners, coming from 15 groups, including Church organisation Caritas, are calling for an annual increase in the minimum wage of 3.5 per cent for three years. This would see ...

  • India Malta

    Malta Film Commission targets Indian market

    The Malta Film Commission said today it will be targeting the potentially-lucrative Indian film market. A delegation from the Malta Film Commission attended a prominent Indian film market in Mumbai recently, providing a platform to reach hundreds of potential film producers attending the event. "India has a very strong film industry and ...

  • Malta

    Campaign for a Decent Minimum Wage launches tour around Maltese localities

    The Campaign for a Decent Minimum Wage today launched its 'Decent Wages Tour' in Valletta, and said that organisations and individuals involved in the campaign will visit localities and places of work around Malta to explain their minimum wage increase proposals.Their proposal, is for the minimum wage to rise by ...

  • USA Nigeria Malta

    Dutch national protests ‘injustice and bullying’ by Maltese justice system, police

    A Dutch national took to Republic Street once more to protest his alleged ‘injustice’ at the hands of the Maltese authorities.Chukwudi Samuel Onyeabor, who was born in Nigeria,told this newspaper how he was ‘bullied’by the Maltese judicial system and the police force and has been forced to spend nine years ...

  • USA

    Working conditions for teachers, LSAs causing serious shortage in staff - outgoing MUT chief

    For how long have you been working at MUT?I have been at MUT on a full-time basis for the last 12 years, six years of which I served as senior vice-President and the last six as President. How were these last years?Well, the passage was ok. I mean, in trade-unionism ...

  • Cina India Russia USA Canada Malta

    Malta Film Commission aiming to secure new markets, now targeting India

    The Malta Film Commission has said that intensive advertising campaigns across various film markets have ensured that Malta and Gozo gain a place on the international film production scene."Having strengthened Malta's visibility in the US, Canada, Europe and Russia, the Malta Film Commission is now aiming to secure new important ...

  • USA Spagna Malta

    Updated: Daphne Caruana Galizia says she will not be intimidated by db Group libel suits

    Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has said that she will not be intimidated by the 19 libel cases filed by the db Group over articles she has published.Recently, Daphne Caruana Galizia published a number of articles regarding the db Group's ITS site investment, and also about Silvio Debono (the man behind the ...

  • USA Irlanda

    The road to changing European Union asylum policies

    The European Parliament is about to take the next step in the road to changing the Dublin system, which regulates EU asylum policies and has been a hot potato in the EU since the very start of the migration crisis, with many frontline states calling for alterations to the mechanism.On ...

  • USA

    EU Internet Forum: progress on removal of terrorist content online

    Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, accompanied by the Maltese Minister for Home Affairs and National Security, Mr Carmelo Abela representing the Presidency of the Council of the EU, and the Estonian Minister of the Interior, Mr Andres Anvelt, representing the incoming Presidency of the Council of the EU, as ...

  • Cina Russia

    Updated: Web registration clause in proposed media bill to be removed

    The controversial news and current affairs web-registration requirement in the newly proposed Media and Defamation Bill is to be removed, Justice Minister Owen Bonnici announced this evening.Traditional news media, such newspapers, radio and television stations, are able to register themselves on a voluntary bases.Minister Bonnici was in attendance of a ...