• Canada Francia

    L’AIE prône la patience

    Selon l’AIE, «le marché a besoin de temps pour ressentir pleinement l’impact des importantes réductions de l’offre prévues dans les accords de baisse de production». L’engagement de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP) de réduire sa production pour accélérer le rééquilibrage du marché pétrolier a continué d’être bien respecté ...

  • Francia

    La marque et la contrefaçon : Alerte sur le marché du faux

    La contrefaçon est un phénomène qui a pris une grande ampleur en Algérie. Plus de 15 conférences sont au programme des troisièmes journées de la marque et de la contrefaçon, qui se tiendront les 22 et 23 mars à l’hôtel El Aurassi (Alger), à l’initiative de RH International Communication. Un ...

  • USA Kenya

    MPs, MCAs salaries to be cut after August polls

    Be ready to take a pay cut — you're earning too much. This was President Uhuru Kenyatta's parting shot to MPs in his final State of the Nation address before August polls. "We must always remember the calling of leadership is to serve. Not to become rich through serving," Uhuru ...

  • Kenya

    Dodgy Doctor Series: Disability boss admits he is neither a doctor nor a surgeon

    David ole Sankok, the chair of the National Council of People with Disabilities, is not a medical doctor as he has been claiming all along. He has never studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Nairobi. ‘Dr’ Sankok does not hold a doctorate in any academic studies and therefore ...

  • Turchia USA Paesi Bassi

    Updated: Dutch PM Rutte claims win over 'wrong kind of populism'

    Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Wednesday claimed a dominating parliamentary election victory over anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders, who failed the year's first litmus test for populism in Europe.Provisional results with over half the votes counted suggested Rutte's party won 32 seats in the 150-member legislature, 13 more than Wilders' ...

  • Malta

    President appointed to Advisory Board of the Women Political Leaders Global Forum

    President of Malta Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the Women Political Leaders Global Forum (WPL).The WPL Advisory Board includes outstanding political leaders and influential personalities from civil society, the private sector, intergovernmental organisations and academia who have endorsed the WPL mission statement. They oversee ...

  • USA Malta

    FIRST magazine: Frank Salt - We are family

    Frank Salt Real Estate is an exciting place to be. At any given moment, across any of its numerous branches, sales are being made, contracts are being signed and deals are being done. It is fast-paced and dynamic but, at the same time, also focused and well-grounded; there is a ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    British PM May rejects call for Scottish independence vote

    British Prime Minister Theresa May has rejected a call from Scotland's leader for a referendum on Scottish independence before Britain leaves the European Union.May said Thursday that "now is not the time" to reopen Scotland's independence debate, though she did not rule out a referendum in the future. Britain is ...

  • Malta Cipro

    More than 80% of women aged 25-39 actively participate in labour force - Minister Cardona

    Economy Minister Chris Cardona has revealed that the female labour force participation rate has exceeded that of 80 per cent for women aged between 25 and 39.Labour force participation refers to the proportion of a population that is within working age, and can be employed or unemployed, but are actively ...

  • Malta

    Big business donations to Labour Party will soon be ‘public domain’ – Joseph Muscat

    “Everything will be disclosed once the Labour Party files in the donations list and everything will be in the public domain,” Prime Minister Joseph Muscat told The Malta Independent when asked how much money did big businesses or their owners, who were awarded public tenders, donate to the Labour party ...