• Nigeria

    Kano Is Suffering From Shortage Of Pro Bono Lawyers – Group

    Human Rights  group have raised alarm, stating that Kano is suffering from shortage of Pro bono lawyers, revealing  that only four  lawyers are attached to the Legal Aid Council, office in Kano posit to cater for 15 million people in the state. The Programme Manager of Rule of Law and ...

  • Brasile

    Gilmar Mendes manda soltar Eike Batista

    O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Gilmar Mendes mandou soltar hoje (28/4) o empresário Eike Batista, preso, no final de janeiro na Operação Eficiência, um desdobramento da Operação Lava Jato. O empresário é réu na Justiça Federal do Rio por corrupção ativa, lavagem de dinheiro e organização criminosa. De acordo ...

  • Brasile

    Imprensa internacional repercute greve geral no Brasil

    A imprensa internacional deu destaque à greve geral realizada no Brasil nesta sexta-feira (28/4). Diversos veículos de comunicação de fora do País mencionaram as paralisações de diversas categorias e protestos em várias cidades brasileiras contra as reformas trabalhista e da Previdência do governo do presidente Michel Temer.A agência de notícias ...

  • Brasile

    Comércio do Rio fecha devido a confrontos entre PMs e manifestantes

      O comércio da região central do Rio de Janeiro está fechado, por medida de segurança, devido aos constantes enfrentamentos entre a tropa de choque da Polícia Militar e manifestantes em vários pontos do centro. Manifestantes incendiaram, agora há pouco, três ônibus urbanos e um carro de passeio na Cinelândia. Leia mais ...

  • Brasile

    Funcionários da CVM fazem ato na sede da comissão, no Rio

    Os servidores da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) fizeram nesta sexta-feira (28/4), um ato na sede da autarquia que regula o mercado de capitais brasileiro, no centro do Rio. Embora não tenham aderido à greve geral, eles protestaram contra a reforma da Previdência.O Sindicato Nacional dos Servidores da CVM (SindCVM) ...

  • Israele Malta

    Air Malta registers double-digit growth during Easter

    Air Malta workers were kept busy over the Easter period, with the airline registering a 14 per cent increase in passengers when compared to the same period last year.  In a statement, the national airline said that it had operated 22 more flights and carried an additional 3,000 passengers over the ...

  • USA

    UĦM defends decision to back anti-corruption demonstration

    Looking away from the spate of corruption allegations crippling the government would be a disservice to workers and convey the wrong message, UĦM Voice of the Workers CEO Josef Vella said.  “The current situation is of huge concern and is already reverberating abroad as we are facing questions on the current ...

  • Regno Unito Malta

    European corporate governance experts to convene in Malta

    Some of Europe's finest corporate governance experts will convene in Malta on May 4 for one of Europe's most important corporate governance events of 2017.  A year in the making and organised by the Malta branch of the Institute of Directors, the 20th European Corporate Governance Conference, the conference will be ...

  • Regno Unito Malta

    MSE Share Index slumps to five-month low

    The MSE Share Index shed 0.37% today as it slumped to a fresh 5-month low of 4,676.260 points mainly due to the declines in HSBC, IHI, GO, RS2 and Lombard. A further two equities trended lower today whilst Tigne Mall edged higher. Meanwhile, another four equities, including BOV, ended today’s ...

  • USA

    Social market economy in the heart of Europe - EPP

    “Enjoying equal access to the job market with fair working conditions and adequate and sustainable social protection should be within reach of all Europeans citizens. The Social Pillar presented by the European Commission is a good initiative that aims to consolidate and update these basic social rights and pave the ...