L'economia USA migliora, il Superindice in progressivo aumento

    (Teleborsa) - Cresce in linea con le attese il superindice USA, confermando un progressivo miglioramento delle condizioni economiche. Secondo quanto comunicato dal Conference Board degli Stati...

  • USA

    USA, i prezzi delle case ad aprile crescono più delle attese

    (Teleborsa) - In salita il tasso dei prezzi delle case in USA. Nel mese di aprile, l'indice FHFA, elaborato dalla Federal Housing Finance Agency, che misura appunto i prezzi delle abitazioni...

  • Kazakistan

    ENI firma accordi su upstream e energie rinnovabili in Kazakhstan

    (Teleborsa) - L'Amministratore Delegato di JSC KazMunayGas (KMG), Sauat Mynbayev, e l'Amministratore Delegato di ENI, Claudio Descalzi, in occasione del Foreign Investor Council (FIC) di Astana,...

  • Malta

    Distribution of free breathalyser kits can give wrong impression

    Distributing breathalyser kits freely could risk giving the wrong impression that excessive drinking is condoned, insurance association head, Adrian Galea, has warned. The director general of the Malta Insurance Association was commenting to this newspaper after Social Policy Minister Michael Falzon announced on Monday that about 3,000 self-administered kits would be ...

  • Iran

    Airbus concedes defeat to Boeing in Paris order race

    Airbus conceded defeat to rival Boeing in the race for new business at the Paris Airshow today, as a late haul of almost 100 aircraft failed to close a gap opened up by the launch of the American firm's new 737 model. The European planemaker said it won 326 net new ...

  • USA Ungheria

    Court insists on transparent licensing for online gaming

    The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) today ruled that member states were prohibited from taking enforcement action against EU licensed online gaming operators who were unlawfully excluded from national licensing processes. The Court confirmed the obligation on member states to organise transparent licensing processes and rejected EU countries’ discretion ...

  • USA

    Funding for projects to strengthen EU neighbourhood policy

    A total of €84 million in EU funds are being offered to Maltese companies and organisations for projects that will benefit the European Neighbourhood Policy. The rationale behind the proposals is to strengthen relations between the EU member states and neighbouring Mediterranean countries, the government said.  Aaron Farrugia, the parliamentary secretary for EU funds, ...

  • USA Spagna Venezuela Malta

    Parliamentary Secretary Aaron Farrugia launches an €84 Million EU-funded call for projects

    Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds Aaron Farrugia said today that local organizations are being offered the possibility to avail themselves of €84 Million under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, funded by the European Union.He this morning announced the first call for proposals for standard projects to benefit from ...

  • Malta

    MEP Marlene Mizzi wins prestigious international award

    MEP Marlene Mizzi won a prestigious international award presented to her during a ceremony in Brussels for her outstanding work and contributions in the area of animal welfare protection.The award is organised annually by the Eurogroup for Animals in recognition of individual achievements made to animal welfare protection and promotion ...

  • Panama Malta

    TMID Editorial: A French lesson in political accountability

    The French political class and four ministers in particular this week showed what political accountability is all about.France’s justice minister, defence minister, European affairs minister and the country’s minister for territorial cohesion have all stepped down over recent days after news broke that they could be facing investigations – not ...