• USA Nigeria

    New funding enables unprecedented collaboration in crisis-prone countries

    Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Somalia, WorldJoint multi-year funding from Canada will help FAO, IFAD and WFP to build resilience and tackle food insecurity in parts of Somalia, Niger and the ...

  • Etiopia

    More needs to be done to justify budget allocations, MoFEC

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation has alleged that government offices and officials failed to adequately prepare appropriation requests. While delivering a speech on the budget for the coming year to parliament, Abraham Tekeste (PhD), Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MoFEC), said that government agencies had not planned ...

  • Etiopia

    Commercial loans to be reduced

    The government is going to slow down commercial loans since the country’s export revenue has not met expectations. Abraham Tekeste (PhD), Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation, told the parliament when the fiscal year begins next month, the government will reduce overseas commercial loans. The country has undergone a hard ...

  • Etiopia

    Maaza Kitaw passes the baton

    Maaza Kitaw, who led Berhan Insurance SC since its inception for two consecutive three year terms as chairperson of the board of directors, requested that the board nominees exclude her from the chairmanship election. At the board meeting held last Wednesday May 31st, Maaza declined to run or accept a ...

  • Etiopia

    Trade globally act locally

    ZEP-RE, a COMESA institution has opened a country office in Addis Ababa. ZEP-RE has been promoting trade in the region since 1992.  They underwrite business with all companies in Ethiopia which is their second largest market, representing 7.6 percent of total business. The new Addis Ababa office is part of ...

  • Spagna

    Economía/Finanzas.- Bankia cierra su primera emisión de CoCos por importe de 750 millones de euros

    Fija un cupón del 6%, el menor precio de colocación establecido en una emisión de este tipo por una entidad española MADRID, 6 (EUROPA PRESS)

  • Spagna

    Economía/Bolsa.- La valoración en Bolsa de las empresas españolas sube un 11,4% en junio

    br /> MADRID, 6 (EUROPA PRESS) La valoración en Bolsa de las empresas españolas analizadas por Consenso de Mercado ascendía a 664.632 millones de euros en el mes de junio de 2017, lo que supone una subida del 11,4% respecto al cierre del ejercicio 2016.

  • USA

    US exports hit two-year high

    WASHINGTON - The US trade deficit fell in May as exports increased to their highest level in just over two years, but trade could still weigh on economic growth in the second quarter.

  • Cina Singapore Hong Kong

    Report: SCB halts $3bn insurance unit sale

    HONG KONG/SINGAPORE - Siam Commercial Bank has halted the sale of its insurance unit, expected to fetch $3 billion (102.2 billion baht), as talks with potential bidder Hong Kong insurer FWD Group failed on valuation disagreements, three people familiar with the matter said.

  • Giappone

    Japan, EU seal FTA after four years of talks

    Abe and EU leaders announce free trade deal set to form a market that will account for nearly one-third of the global economy.