• Malta

    Parliament to vote to legalise gay marriage today

    Parliament will tonight be holding the final vote on the Marriage Equality Bill that will see the law legally recognise gay marriage after the proposed legislation passed the committee stage on Monday night.After winning the snap election on 3 June, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that the first priority for ...

  • USA Malta

    MGA publishes White Paper proposing major reforms to Malta’s gaming legal framework

    The Malta Gaming Authority has published a White Paper proposing major reforms to Malta’s gaming legal framework, which is open for public consultation for around five weeks.The reforms would see existing legislation repealed and replaced by a singl primary Act called the Gaming Act. Both Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services ...

  • Malta

    Research and Development total expenditure in 2015 reaches €71.5m

    In 2015, total expenditure on Research and Development amounted to €71.5 million, or 0.77 per cent of GDP, the NSO said today.Research and Development in Malta: 2013-2015During 2015, an increase in total expenditure on R&D activities was registered by €11.0 million equivalent to 18.1 per cent from 2014. The Business ...

  • USA Malta

    Tonio Fenech hits out at PN leadership, says party silencing people with differing opinions

    Former Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has again lashed out at the Nationalist Party leadership, saying that it is silencing those who dare voice an opinion against.Fenech has been very vocal on social media ever since the PN lost the election which he did not contest, and has increased the momentum ...

  • Malta

    MUT expects concrete measures to address crisis in teaching profession

    The Malta Union of Teachers said it expects the government to address what it said is a crisis in the teaching profession.Following statements by the Ministry for Education and Employment on the drastic reduction in students following courses leading to the teaching profession at the University of Malta, the MUT ...

  • USA Malta

    A&H: Mental health... Pulling through

    The World Health Organisation states that there is no health without mental health. The physical aspect of pregnancy and postpartum recovery has received lots of attention, but  little attention has been paid to a woman's mental health, despite the evidence that depression is the most common complication of pregnancy. Maternal ...

  • Malta

    Mgr Lawrence Mifsud: A priest who had a deep spirit of charity

    On 20th June , Mgr Lawrence Mifsud went to meet the Risen Lord at the venerable age of 83. Lorry as he was known, was born in Vittoriosa to Lorenzo and Theresa nee Seychell, on 15 September 1933.    He attended the first years of primary school in Vittoriosa, until the ...

  • Malta

    Labour’s new aim: Half of candidates for 2027 election to be women – PM

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, addressing a PL Extraordinary General Meeting, announced a new initiative this evening which will see more PL female candidates nominated for elections. The initiative, called "Lead" will be led by PL MEP Miriam Dalli.The initiative would result in an increase in the number of female candidates ...

  • Cina USA

    Chinese political prisoner Liu Xiaobo dies at age 61

    Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, China's most prominent political prisoner, died Thursday at a hospital in the country's northeast, officials said. He was 61.Liu had been hospitalized for advanced liver cancer diagnosed in prison in May. In an online announcement, the judicial bureau of the city of Shenyang said ...

  • Malta

    Company directors fined €7,000 each for construction site accident

    Three directors and the foreman of a construction company were today fined €7,000 each, after two foreign national construction site workmen suffered grievous injuries linked to health and safety measures which were not adequate, resulting in the accused having to pay a total of a €28,000 fine between them.Directors of ...