• Malta

    Calculating the motions of property prices

    Whenever international students and colleagues ask me whether the economy is good in Malta, I cannot but answer that it is good, especially when compared to the rest of the Mediterranean. I go on about employment levels, standard of living, pastizzi, pastini tal-lewz … – to which the reply is ...

  • USA Azerbaigian Panama

    'Farrugia speaks as though Maltese are ignorant': PN president hits back at OPM spokesman

    The government's head of communications took the Maltese people "to be fools" when he swept governance concerns under the carpet and instead denigrated Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil, the Nationalist Party's executive president has written.  In an opinion piece titled 'Corruption has a spokesman', Ann Fenech hit back at Kurt Farrugia, who ...

  • Malta

    Gozo Ministry should be investigated over €80,000 grant, says NGO Commissioner

    The Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations wants the Auditor General to probe the Gozo Ministry on grounds of “disregard of the law” in its administration of the Gozo NGO fund, the Times of Malta has learnt. Kenneth Wain, the commissioner, confirmed when contacted that his office had requested the investigation after irregularities ...

  • Panama

    Updated: Busuttil says criminal complaint by Keith Schembri 'an attack against democracy'

    The criminal complaint filed by Keith Schembri this morning is an attack against against democracy, Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil said this evening.Speaking in a news conference in the Parliament building, Busuttil said We have a situation that instead of investigating Keith SSchembri on corruption, the police are going to ...

  • Malta

    Former finance director asks for €187,000 after claiming wrongful termination

    A man charged with fraud and misappropriation of public funds is asking for compensation worth €187,000 from Transport Malta after being fired due to the pending charges against him.The request, being made by former Financial Director if the Malta Air Traffic Services (MATS) Ian Falzon, was submitted before the Industrial ...

  • Malta

    Malta with highest surplus in the European Union - Eurostat

    Malta’s fiscal surplus of €44.2 million recorded for the first quarter of 2017 has now been termed by Eurostat as being the highest ratio within the EU, the Department of Information said.At 3.5 per cent of GDP, Malta has exceeded the surplus reported by Germany and the Netherlands, both at ...

  • USA Malta

    TMID Editorial: Personal attacks - National unity Labour style

    The way we see it, the job of Head of Government Communications should be to act as a government spokesperson, reply (in a prompt fashion) to the questions sent by journalists, to react to news reports and issue explanations or clarifications, to be proactive and supply newsrooms with positive stories ...

  • Malta

    Air Malta to increase its aircraft fleet ‘in line with growth strategy’

    Air Malta said today it is committed to increase the frequency of its current flight destinations and to service new routes.In line with commercial strategy, Air Malta’s management has recommended to increase its fleet as from summer 2018. This recommendation was supported and acknowledged during this week’s Board of Directors ...

  • Malta

    Long-term care patients who pay fees consulted by ‘multi-disciplinary team’ – Mater Dei CEO

    Patients flagged for long-term care are consulted by a multi-disciplinary team in full consultation with the patient and his/her relatives, always evaluating the needs of the individual in question, Mater Dei CEO Ivan Falzon has told The Malta Independent.The newsroom had previously been informed that individuals were receiving large bills, ...

  • Egitto Turchia USA Giordania Malta Yemen

    3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over holy site

    Escalating Israeli-Palestinian tensions over the Holy Land's most contested shrine boiled over into violence on Friday that killed six people — three Palestinians in street clashes in Jerusalem and three Israelis in a stabbing attack at a West Bank settlement.After nightfall, a Palestinian sneaked into a home in the Israeli ...