• Grecia

    La Grecia torna sul mercato dei bond

    (Teleborsa) - Atene torna sul mercato dei bond dopo tre anni di assenza. L'annuncio, è arrivato stamane, dal Tesoro ellenico che ha affidato il mandato a un gruppo di banche di gestire...

  • Grecia

    Snam in cerca di opportunità di collaborazione nel mercato gas della Grecia

    (Teleborsa) - "Sviluppare ambiti di collaborazione a supporto della gestione e dello sviluppo del sistema infrastrutturale gestito da EDA THESS, uno dei principali operatori infrastrutturali del...

  • Qatar Malta

    Giant Dubai-based property developer eyeing Malta

    A giant Dubai-based property developer is considering expanding its operations to Malta, according to reports. "Malta presents an ideal mix of investment benefits that make it a very attractive place for luxury and hospitality developers looking to expand into the EU zone," Damac chairman Hussain Sajwani said in a statement. Mr Sajwani ...

  • Malta

    Caravans occupying Mistra Bay, authorities reluctant to act

    A veritable fleet of caravans is making a Mistra Bay restaurant owner’s life a misery and it seems that the authorities are reluctant to take action. Several caravan owners have descended on Mistra Bay in recent weeks, setting up structures that suggest they intend to make the place their home this ...

  • Albania

    Watch: Being gay in Albania (ARTE)

    Albania is divided. Many Albanians are intolerant and the gay community has only very recently been protected by law. Gay and lesbian people face homophobia on a daily basis.

  • Panama Malta

    TMIS Editorial: Criminal complaints and petty politics

    Any regular citizen has every right to defend himself against a barrage of very public accusations and allegations being made in his or her respect. This is a right guaranteed at law and it is one that no one could argue with.But the problem with the Prime Minister’s chief of ...

  • India USA Thailandia Argentina Regno Unito Malta

    FIRST: Why Yoga?

    I first came in touch with yoga at my university's gym 15 years ago. Its stress-releasing effects, together with a good work-out and some positive twist on my mind, made for love at first sight. I rapidly found a proper yoga school and expanded my practice to include not only ...

  • Serbia Russia USA Romania Ungheria

    Hungary's Prime Minister says EU seeks to 'Muslimize' Europe

    European Union leaders and Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros are seeking a "new, mixed, Muslimized Europe," Hungary's anti-migration prime minister said Saturday.Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during a visit to Romania that Hungary's border fences, supported by other Central European countries, will block the EU-Soros effort to increase Muslim migration into ...

  • USA Romania Kenya Malta

    Vlog: Still packing… Flight to Lebanon in a few hours… My message before we leave...

    Who is agara? Have you heard about us?No, don't leave just yet... I did that a couple of months ago!'agara' in the Amharic Language reads – ‘Walking Together'… It’s the clear vision of the Foundation!agara envisions a global community in which every individual is an equal partner in its development. ...

  • Malta

    Ministers praise female director of fibreglass manufacturing company as female employment stats soar

    Education Minister Evarist Bartolo and Economy Minister Chris Cardona this afternoon visited the site of a fibreglass manufacturing company to praise the work of director Angela Xerri and promote women at the workplace.This morning the National Statistics Office (NSO), Malta’s statistical office, published the most recent employment figures. It was ...