Turchia Cipro
Ankara slams UN over Cyprus resolution
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has slammed a resolution by the U.N. Security Council on the extension of the U.N. Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) as violating the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the island.
Cina Taiwan
China’s Xi warns Biden over Taiwan, calls for cooperation
President Xi JInping warned against meddling in China’s dealings with Taiwan during a phone call with his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, that gave no indication of progress on trade, technology or other irritants, including Beijing’s opposition to a top American lawmaker’s possible visit to the island democracy, which the mainland ...
Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival in September
The 29th International Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival will be held from Sept 10 and 25. The event will kick off with the opera ‘Aida’ to be staged by the Ankara-Antalya State Opera and Ballet at the historical Aspendos Theater in Antalya. This year there will be no participation from ...
BOJ members warn of global slowdown and urge stimulus stay in place
Unlike the U.S. and Europe, Japan’s economy remains smaller than its pre-COVID-19 level and the latest projections suggest it will remain so this year.
President Uhuru Kenyatta to visit Kisumu next week, launch projects
President Uhuru Kenyatta will pitch tent in Kisumu to commission a number of projects targeted at reviving Lake Victoria's blue economy.
Auxílio Brasil conclui pagamento da parcela de julho
A Caixa Econômica Federal conclui hoje (29) o pagamento da parcela de julho do programa Auxílio Brasil. Recebem o dinheiro quem tem o Número de Inscrição Social (NIS) com final 0. O valor mínimo é de R$ 400. As datas seguem o modelo do Bolsa Família, que pagava os beneficiários nos ...
Receita paga hoje restituições do 3º lote do Imposto de Renda
A Receita Federal paga nesta sexta-feira (29) as restituições do terceiro lote do Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física (IRPF) 2022. O lote também contemplará restituições de anos anteriores. Ao todo, 5.242.668 contribuintes receberão R$ 6,3 bilhões. Desse total, são 5.134.337 de contribuintes não prioritários que entregaram declarações de exercícios anteriores até ...
Transferências cambiais para exterior terão redução de IOF
Parte das transferências cambiais para o exterior, que ainda não tinham sido adaptadas às normas da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), terão redução gradual de Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras (IOF) a partir de 2023. Um decreto assinado hoje (28) à noite pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro incluiu novas ...
Brazil goes in the opposite direction than other countries, we have lower inflation and a higher GDP -Bolsonaro
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said Thursday 28 that Brazil is "going against the grain" of the world and should record a high gross domestic product (GDP) this year. The conservative leader commented on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast released Tuesday (26), which raised the country's estimated economic growth to ...
Economy minister Guedes’ plan to accelerate Brazil’s accession to the OECD
Economy Minister Paulo Guedes is preparing a bill to amend the taxation of multinational companies in Brazil. Technicians from the Ministry of Economy are currently working on the details of the project, which will be presented to the National Congress on May 5. The project aims to avoid double taxation ...