CEC put to task over Bomet-Iran tea export deal
Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya two weeks ago said his ministry was not aware of the Bomet-Iran tea export agreement.
Brasile USA
Brazil’s machinery and equipment industry sales up 45%
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The data were released yesterday July 28 by the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ). Sector sales in the past 12 months totaled R$198.7 (US$39) billion, an increase of 27.9%. In the first half of the year the sector's revenue grew 40.3% compared ...
Brasile Russia Spagna Argentina Bolivia
Bolivia consults with experts from Spain, Argentina and Russia to combine vaccines
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "We are holding meetings with national and international institutions" to determine the possibility of combining vaccines, said the Vice-Minister of Health Insurance Angela Hidalgo in a press conference on Wednesday. Hidalgo mentioned that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made arrangements to "hold meetings with ...
L'ASPT salue la distinction de Germaine Acogny à la Biennale de Venise
Dakar, 28 juil (APS) - L'Agence Sénégalaise de Promotion Touristique (ASPT) exprime ses "vives félicitations" à son ambassadrice, Germaine Acogny qui a reçu le "Lion d'or" lors de la 15 ème édition du festival international de danse contemporaine de la Biennale de Venise. - Tourisme
Argentina Uruguay
Carga: hacia un transporte con menos emisiones
Mientras que Mercedes-Benz Trucks lanzó a nivel global su primer camión eléctrico producido en serie, pero en la Argentina hay un largo camino por recorrer
Antivacunas ganan la calle
Un editorial de El Comercio, de Ecuador, analiza la resistencia de un segmento de la población a vacunarse
Fed says US economy showing progress but 'not fully recovered'
WASHINGTON: The US economy is showing signs of progress in its recovery, but not enough to end the easy money policies implemented last year, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday.
Disabled convicts are sent to jail, even when they get community service
While the law states that officials in charge of community service must make good efforts to find places where disabled convicts can serve their sentence, in reality they're being discriminated against compared to physically and mentally fit people
Ben & Jerry's co-founders 'unequivocally support' move to end ice cream sales in Israeli settlements
The ice cream maker's Jewish founders wrote in a New York Times op-ed that they 'reject the notion that it is antisemitic to question the policies of the State of Israel'
Ungheria Belgio
Orban rimandato a settembre: il recovery plan è da rivedere
Bruxelles congela le risorse chieste dall’Ungheria per problemi legati ad «appalti e corruzione», ma sullo sfondo c’è lo scontro con i sovranisti sullo Stato di diritto. Il premier magiaro: «Finanzieremo i nostri progetti anche senza i soldi Ue»