KQ brands planes with wildlife images to support tourism
?Kenya Airways (KQ) has entered into a partnership with the Kenya Tourism Board to brand planes with images of wildlife to promote Kenya.
Para Banco Central, pandemia da covid-19 pode se prolongar
De acordo com Roberto Campos Neto, comparado com o mundo desenvolvido, o Brasil está "indo bem na vacinação", devido ao fato de a rejeição da população contra os imunizantes ser muito baixa
Paesi Bassi
LIVE. Tientallen besmettingen op aankomende vluchten uit Zuid-Afrika in Nederland - Covid-pil minder effectief dan gedacht
Om de alsmaar stijgende coronacijfers een halt toe te roepen, besliste het Overlegcomité gisteren om een rist strengere maatregelen in te voeren. Ondertussen maakt de wereld zich ook zorgen om de nieuwe omicron-variant, die voor het eerst werd vastgesteld in Zuid-Afrika en nu ook in ons land werd aangetroffen. Die ...
Profiting From Palm Oil Business
The palm oil business is one of the lucrative businesses in Nigeria because of its diverse usefulness and the huge profit involved. In Nigeria, palm oil is one of the essential needs for cooking most meals. An aspiring entrepreneur must be able to look wide and deep when investing in ...
Tecnotón 20-30, acercando la educación digital en Veracruz
Si usted tiene un aparato electrónico de segunda mano —ya sean cables o computadores portátiles o de escritorio, nuevos, deteriorados o en buen estado— que no utiliza o del que se puede desprender, puede donarlo en la tercera jornada de recolección de la Tecnatón 20-30, que el Club Activo 20-30 ...
Panama Nigeria
¿Hay futuro para los scooters en Panamá?
Nacional Contenido Premium: 1“Eso es un juguete y se usa en la casa”, le gritó un ...
Brasile Argentina
80% of the border crossings into and out of Argentina are closed
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Since November 1, Argentina lifted restrictions for international tourism and enabled the entry of non-resident foreign travelers. These tourists can only enter Argentina through the 28 points authorized by the National Government as safe corridors. According to official data, so far 107 other international border ...
Brasile Argentina Paraguay Uruguay
Argentina urges WTO to “eliminate distortions” in trade of agri-bioindustrial products
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - This was a joint declaration with Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, signed by Argentina's Julián Domínguez and the ministers of the agricultural portfolios of the Southern Agricultural Council. A common position was established with regard to the agricultural and fisheries negotiations at the 12th WTO ...
Brasile Colombia Argentina Regno Unito
In dollars, Argentina is among world’s 5 cheapest countries; Colombia is the cheapest -newspaper
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - For those who have dollars or other hard currencies, Argentina is among the 5 cheapest countries in the world. This is the result of a study carried out by money.co.uk, which analyzes the daily cost of living and the average income among the different countries. ...
More than 90% of Chile’s export revenue in 2020 was from countries or blocs with trade agreements
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Much has been heard in recent months -and years- about the importance of the network of 30 free trade agreements with 65 countries for the Chilean economy. But what is their accurate weight? Foreign trade is equivalent to 60% of the country's Gross Domestic Product ...