Vinhos verdes apontam baterias ao estrangeiro
Duas dezenas de especialistas internacionais estão de visita a Portugal para, durante uma semana, através de cursos e de provas, descobrir o potencial dos vinhos verdes, no Porto, Monção e Melgaço. O objetivo é aumentar a presença em mercados estratégicos, como EUA ou Canadá.
Australia Corea del Sud
S.Korea, Australia mark 60th anniversary, pledge greater military cooperation
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Australia, members of the Korea-Australia Business Council and Australia-Korea Business Council gathered in Seoul to promote greater partnership, i
Africa: New ACT-Accelerator Strategy Calls for U.S.$ 23.4 Billion to Solve Unequal Access Covid-19 Vaccines, Tests & Treatments
[WHO] New ACT-Accelerator strategic plan sets out urgent actions to address crucial gaps in access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, vaccines and personal protective equipment in low- and middle-income countries, using the latest epidemiological, supply and market information. Delivering this plan is crucial to reaching globally agreed targets for COVID-19 ...
CIDH: Elecciones buscan perpetuar a Daniel Ortega
Las elecciones del 7 de noviembre en Nicaragua buscan perpetuar en el poder al presidente Daniel Ortega, afirmó ayer la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), en un informe que señala “impunidad estructural” y “crímenes de lesa humanidad” en esa nación.
CIDH: Concentración de poder facilita el estado policial en Nicaragua
Un estudio de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) determinó que la concentración de poder en el Ejecutivo nicaragüense,[...]
Brasile Argentina
Argentina seeks to attract dollars with bank account for foreign tourists
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Central Bank of Argentina resolved this Thursday to enable foreign tourists to open a bank account in which they can deposit dollars for their expenses in pesos during their visit. This measure seeks to attract foreign currency at a growing appetite for the U.S. ...
Brasile USA Emirati Arabi Uniti
Brazil’s São Paulo expects US$1.1 billion in business deal struck during Dubai trip
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The economic mission led by the São Paulo government this week on a trip to the United Arab Emirates could bring in US$1.1 billion over four years if business from exports, partnerships, and logistical benefits obtained through agreements are added. This calculation was made today ...
Castillo asks Peruvian Congress to let him manage the economy by decrees
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Today, the Peruvian government asked Congress to authorize President Pedro Castillo to legislate by decree for four months on tax, fiscal, financial, and economic reactivation matters local press reported. He did so through a bill submitted to the unicameral parliament requesting that it be submitted ...
Senado: aprueban la prórroga de la ley que suspende los desalojos a comunidades indígenas
El debate tuvo cruces tensos en torno a los incidentes adjudicados a la RAM en la Patagonia; el oficialismo aceptó cambios pedidos por la oposición
Turkish deputy foreign minister meets EU commissioner for enlargement
Turkey's diplomat in charge of EU relations on Oct. 28 met with the EU commissioner for enlargement to discuss bilateral ties.