Aménagement des peines : les députés autorisent l'utilisation du bracelet électronique
Dakar, 29 juin (APS) - Les députés sénégalais ont adopté lundi, deux projets de loi dont l'un consacre le placement sous surveillance électronique comme mode d'aménagement des peines et l'autre modifie le code de procédure pénal et introduit l'assignation à résidence avec surveillance électronique comme alternative à la détention provisoire. - Justice
Türk Eximbank gets $430 mln under World Bank guarantee
Türk Eximbank is obtaining €380 million ($430 million) from a consortium of international banks, Turkey's trade minister said on June 29.
Turkish women not represented enough in politics: CHP leader
Women in Turkey are not adequately represented in the Turkish political system and civil society associations should impose pressure to secure at least a one third quota through an amendment of the Law on the Political Parties, the leader of the main opposition party has said.
Toyota’s global output plunged record 54.4% in May amid pandemic
Japan's biggest automaker also said its global sales fell 31.8 percent to 576,508 vehicles in the reporting month.
Spagna Indonesia
Nissan execs face off with angry shareholders over red ink and Carlos Ghosn scandal
CEO Makoto Uchida said he is giving up half his pay amid plunging sales and plant closures in Spain and Indonesia but promised a recovery ...
Home Office Work during Pandemic Breaks Myth of Productivity Loss
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The executives' perception of the first three months of home office is that this time has helped to dispel the myth of a loss of commitment to work, once thought to be caused by the decentralization of working away from the office. Thus, the "new ...
Brasile Venezuela
Despite Bullish Dollar, Brazilians Invest in Assets Abroad
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In December last year, thousands of Brazilian investors made their first overseas investments. However, the purpose was not to diversify, but rather to take part in the initial offer of XP Investments shares, which decided to go public outside Brazil, on the Nasdaq American Stock ...
Vietnam’s economy unexpectedly expands amid pandemic
Vietnam’s economy unexpectedly grew in the second quarter, though at the slowest pace in at least a decade, as exports slumped because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Brasile Nigeria
Agência Brasil explica: como Selic baixa pode influenciar seu bolso
A taxa básica de juros, a Selic, chegou ao menor patamar da história no último dia 17, ao ser fixada em 2,25% ao ano. Pela oitava vez consecutiva, os integrantes do Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom) do Banco Central (BC) decidiram reduzir a taxa, como já era esperado pelo mercado ...
Pandemia puxa venda de casas em condomínios no Distrito Federal