Coronavírus já mudou os hábitos de consumo dos portugueses
Gasta-se mais dinheiro em produtos de supermercado e farmácias e compras online também aumentaram. Usa-se o MB Way para evitar o ATM.
O dia a dia da economia em tempo de guerra
Mercearias, padarias, gasolineiras e quiosques. São exemplos de estabelecimentos comerciais que continuaram a funcionar, mesmo depois de ter sido decretado o estado de emergência em Portugal.
Sénégal, Coronavirus : le clip inquiétant de « Y en a marre » (vidéo)
Au Sénégal, la lutte contre la maladie à Coronavirus est devenue l’affaire de chacun et de tous. Aucun détail n’est donc à négliger soit pour faire passer un message ou directement combattre cette maladie virale. C’est dans ce contexte que le mouvement de protestation « Y en a marre » a sorti ...
Brasile USA Ecuador
Setback for Leftists in Latin America: OAS Re-elects Almagro as Secretary General
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In an unexpectedly decisive outcome, the members of the Organization of American States (OAS) yesterday confirmed the current Secretary General Luis Almagro for a further five-year term of office. Almagro garnered 23 votes, while his rival candidate María Fernanda Espinosa, a former Foreign Minister of ...
Growing Discontent Over Brazil’s Economy Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic that escalated this week in Brazil, the assessment that Bolsonaro's government's economic measures to bolster the Brazilian economy are "on the wrong track" jumped from 40 percent in February to 48 percent in March, according to an XP ...
The U.S. Shut Down Its Economy. Here’s What Needs to Happen in Order to Restart.
Whole sectors of the United States economy have gone dark to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Here’s what comes next.
Alitalia, voli cargo no-stop da Cina per importare materiale sanitario
(Teleborsa) - Primo di una serie di voli cargo Alitalia dalla Cina predisposti in coordinamento con il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile per il trasporto di materiale sanitario necessario per la...
Alibaba dona 2 millones de mascarillas y 400.000 kits de test a Latinoamérica
El gigante chino del comercio electrónico Alibaba anunció que donará 2 millones de mascarillas, 400.000 kits para realizar pruebas de coronavirus y 104 respiradores a 24 países latinoamericanos para ayudarles en el combate contra la pandemia.
¿Está la economía argentina preparada para el teletrabajo?
Cina Hong Kong
Private, online and hi-tech: the coronavirus economy
HONG KONG: The coronavirus pandemic has sent stock markets into freefall and industries to the wall, however many firms enabling more private, online and tech-based living are emerging as potential winners.