BC reduz previsão de déficit nas contas externas para R$ 41 bilhões
O déficit em transações correntes (contas externas), que são as compras e vendas de mercadorias e serviços e transferências de renda do Brasil com outros países, deve ficar em US$ 41 bilhões, este ano, segundo estimativa do Banco Central (BC), divulgada no Relatório de Inflação, publicado hoje (26). Esse valor deve corresponder a ...
BC reduz previsão de crescimento do crédito de 8,1% para 4,8%
Com os impactos do novo coronavírus (covid-19) na economia, o Banco Central (BC) espera por menor crescimento do crédito este ano. De acordo com o Relatório de Inflação, divulgado hoje (26), a previsão para o saldo total do crédito caiu de 8,1% para 4,8%. “De forma geral, a projeção de menor ...
G20 injetará US$ 5 trilhões na economia para combate ao coronavírus
Cvičení v karanténě: Rozhýbejte se a protáhněte za necelých 30 minut s profesionálním trenérem
Ve spolupráci s profesionálním trenérem Adamem Antmannem jsme pro vás vytvořili souhrn cviků, které se zaměřují na základní trénink pohyblivosti kloubů a stability středu těla v domácích podmínkách. V současné karanténní situaci je řada lidí ve stísněných podmínkách, kde trocha pohybu jenom prospěje. Na zaměstnance i podnikatele pracující v režimu home office je ...
Cina USA
US overtakes China for most confirmed coronavirus cases
Beijing blocks visits from most foreign nationals as centre of pandemic shifts west
Uhuru declares curfew in war on coronavirus
Pandemic puts Kenya's economy in a precarious position, Treasury warns.
Foreign embassies evacuate their nationals from Nairobi in coronavirus fears
Foreign embassies in Nairobi have evacuated their citizens to prevent them from being stuck as government ban on international flights took effect
USA Kenya
Africa is changing so rapidly, it is becoming hard to ignore
SOMETIMES BRIDGING the gap between success and failure, between finishing high school or dropping out, requires a lot of determination and the cost of a cow. Jack Oyugi grew up as the oldest of 14 children to parents tilling an acre of ground in western Kenya. Their crops usually gave ...
Parts of Africa will remain unstable for decades
ON THE EDGE of a shallow ravine in the far western corner of Burkina Faso two vehicles bristling with machine guns come to a stop. Several bearded white men lean out, keeping watch for jihadists. Nearby, other Western soldiers are helping their African counterparts stage a mock attack on an ...
Nigeria Regno Unito
Migration is helping Africa in many ways
“WHAT’S NIGERIA’S second city?” asks Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, an irrepressible economist and former finance minister of Nigeria, before chuckling: “London!” She is exaggerating (about 200,000 people who were born in Nigeria live in Britain) but she has a point: one of the most powerful trends shaping Africa, and the wider world, ...