Biden pede aprovação imediata de novo pacote de estímulos nos EUA

    O presidente eleito dos EUA também pediu que Trump garanta à equipe de transição acesso aos planos que estão sendo elaborados pela Casa Branca para distribuir vacinas contra a covid-19 O presidente eleito dos Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, pediu nesta segunda-feira que o Congresso aprove imediatamente um ...

  • Brasile

    Bolsonaristas defendem voto impresso e oposição vê “desculpa de perdedor”

    Ataques ao sistema eleitoral replicam a estratégia do presidente americano, Donald Trump Liderados pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro, que usou o atraso na apuração dos votos pelo Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) para questionar de novo a confiabilidade das urnas eletrônicas, parlamentares bolsonaristas voltaram a defender o voto impresso ...

  • Brasile

    Dólar fecha em queda com otimismo sobre vacina

    Internamente, investidores monitoram o retorno dos trabalhos no Congresso A informação de que uma vacina para a covid-19 produzida pela Moderna teve eficácia de 95% na terceira fase de testes sustentou um ambiente positivo para ativos de risco globais nesta segunda-feira. Como resultado, o dólar operou em ...

  • Brasile

    Kimberly-Clark Brasil vai fechar fábrica de Correia Pinto (SC)

    O objetivo, segundo a empresa, é “aumentar a eficiência e o crescimento do negócio, ao mesmo tempo em que permite investimentos em tecnologia, inovação e suas marcas” A Kimberly-Clark vai fechar, em dezembro, sua fábrica em Correia Pinto (SC) como parte do programa de reestruturação global de ...

  • Brasile

    Uber to Accept Fast Payments in Brazil in Partnership With Ebanx

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - More than 60 million people had already signed up to the newly launched instant payments platform, so-called Pix, before its full operation started this Monday, November 16th. It allows consumers and companies to make money transfers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without ...

  • Brasile

    WhatsApp to Provide Peer-to-Peer Payments Services in Brazil Soon: Central Bank Chief

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - WhatsApp, the messaging service of Facebook Inc, will soon enter the Brazilian market providing peer-to-peer (P2P) payment services, central bank president Roberto Campos Neto said on Monday, November 16th. In a press conference marking the launch of the central bank’s new “PIX” instant payments platform, ...

  • Nigeria


    Editorial   MARTHA Solomon, 17, is a minor in the eye of the law. Yet, her detention, in a police cell in Abuja since August, is another ugly window into how fellow citizens suborn the police to shackle the law, and resort to brazen self-help. Incidentally, the all-notorious but disbanded ...

  • Nigeria

    Access Bank, GE Healthcare Partner To Improve Access To Infrastructure

    By SOLOMON NDA-ISAIAH As part of continued efforts to revamp Nigeria’s health sector, Access Bank has announced a partnership with GE Healthcare Systems to provide cost-efficient and flexible financing for healthcare providers. The finance scheme is specifically designed to address major challenges experienced by healthcare providers in accessing finance, including ...

  • Nigeria

    Civil Society Groups Task CBN On Advocacy To Promote It’s Intervention Programmes

    Coalition of Civil Society Groups has called on the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to engage Nigerians through adequate advocacy, saying the Apex bank has done alot to improve the country’s economy yet, much is not heard about it. While urging Nigerians to support viable and proactive intervention policies of ...

  • Bahrein

    Bahrain foreign minister to visit Israel for meeting with Netanyahu, Pompeo

    Bahraini official says Abdullatif Al Zayani will hold talks on areas of cooperation raised during Israeli delegation's visit to Manama last month, and a U.S. delegation is set to arrive in Manama in November