Brazil Government Loses Popularity in Global Financial Markets
By Arkady Petrov RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The approval of Jair Bolsonaro’s government among financial market agents fell between April and May, according to a survey conducted by XP Investments with 79 resource managers, economists, and consultants, conducted between the 22nd and the 24th of this month. While the ...
Spread a 290, Piazza Affari peggior Borsa europea. Moscovici: «Non spingo per sanzioni»
Lo spread sfiora quota 290 nei primi scambi. Il differenziale di rendimento fra Btp decennale e bund è arrivato a 289 punti base contro i 282 punti base, in un mercato che guarda alla...
Exploit Nissan e Mitsubishi a Tokyo su possibili nozze FCA-Renault
(Teleborsa) - Grande performance per Nissan e Mitsubishi alla Borsa di Tokyo sulla scia del probabile accordo di integrazione fra Fiat Chrysler Automobiles e Renault. I due partner giapponesi della...
Nuova Zelanda
Less property in Auckland proves a bonus for aged care operator Arvida
Fewer properties in Auckland meant less impact from Auckland's slowing property market for retirement village business Arvida.
Moody´s diz que é a recuperação do mercado imobiliário que suporta a redução de ativos problemáticos da banca
Diz a Moody´s que em Portugal, "um ambiente macroeconómico melhorado, em particular um mercado de trabalho mais forte e um elevado investimento estrangeiro em ativos imobiliários, são os principais fatores por detrás da recuperação do mercado imobiliário" e que esta melhoria ajudou à venda de carteiras de ativos pelos bancos.
Fiat-Renault teria 26% do mercado de carros no país
O Brasil tende a se transformar num dos maiores exemplos da força que Fiat Chrysler e Renault terão caso cheguem a um acordo para a formação de uma nova empresa
Ethiopia apologises for map that erases Somalia
Ethiopia's foreign ministry has apologised after a map of Africa on its website.
Nairobi County schemes top-notch revenue collection agency
Nairobi will soon have its own revenue collection agency akin to the Kenya Revenue Authority if a new Bill is passed into law.
Keystone Bank Partners Facebook To Train Entrepreneurs
LEADERSHIP : Keystone Bank Limited has again reaffirmed its commitment to providing support for the real sector as it recently partnered Facebook via its partners, Rabbington Media, to organise a capacity building training on digital marketing for its Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) customers in Lagos State. According to ...
Angola: Private Investment Agency Announces Usd 850 Mln Worth Projects
[ANGOP] Luanda -Some 123 private investment projects estimated at USD 850 million reached the Private Investments and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) from August 2018 - May 2019.