Trump trade team draws heavily from one law firm: Skadden
Lighthizer and other company veterans fought imports on behalf of US steel industry
USA Giappone
Trump pressures Japan to open bilateral trade talks
Washington’s threat of car industry tariffs rings alarm bells in Tokyo
La Argentina le exportará energía eléctrica a Brasil
Repsol luce un consejo de compra por primera vez desde la crisis argentina
Cuando en abril del año 2012 el Gobierno de Argentina -con Cristina Fernández de Kirchner a la cabeza- decidió expropiar a Repsol su filial YPF, la petrolera se despidió de la recomendación de compra y ha tenido que esperar más de seis años para recuperarla. Por el camino, la compañía ...
Cina USA
Ford executive says may boost production in China to avoid tariffs
DETROIT: Ford is looking at speeding up plans to build more Lincoln models in Chinese plants amid the growing trade war with the United States that has made US exports less attractive, a senior executive said Monday.
New U.S.-South Korean free trade pact raises hopes for NAFTA, China deals
The signing of a renegotiated free-trade agreement between the U.S. and South Korea is spurring optimism that export markets for American farm goods won’t shut ...
Unilever signs deal to recycle plastics
Consumer goods manufacturer Unilever East Africa has signed a partnership with a Nairobi-based plant to recycle plastic containers and cut pollution.
Counties must step up to fill funding gap for contraceptives
Kenya needs to wean itself off donor funding and scale up domestic investments for family planning.
Ambwere: The man behind Western Kenya's famous business brand
The life and times of the man behind one of Western Kenya's most famous business dynasties
Brasile Russia
Gas, Novatek consegna primo carico di GNL in Brasile
Novatek, uno dei maggiori produttori indipendenti di gas naturale della Russia, sbarca nel mercato brasiliano. L'impresa fa sapere in una nota che ha consegnato il suo primo carico di GNL al...