Cina USA
Mattis takes aim at China military expansionism
US defence secretary to deliver ‘medium tough’ message to Beijing as trade tensions flare
All Iranians have duty to tackle economic problems, Revolutionary Guards commander says
Netanyahu addresses the Iranian people following mass protests in Tehran: 'You showed courage in the streets of Iran'
Trump Backs Softer Restrictions on Chinese Investment
President Trump has chosen a more moderate approach to limit Chinese investments in the United States, backing an expansion of existing government tools to protect national security.
Nigeria:Why Nigeria Needs More International Investments - Diplomat
[Premium Times] Nigeria needs more international investments amidst a rising population, the European Union Ambassador to Nigeria, Ketil Karlsen, said on Monday.
Senior Eritrean Delegation Arrives in Addis Ababa
[Shabait] Asmara -A senior Eritrean delegation composed of Mr. Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Yemane Gebreab, Presidential Advisor, have arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in the afternoon hours today.
Turkish Airlines in talks to finance facilities at new Istanbul airport: Sources
Turkish Airlines is in talks with 12-13 Turkish and Chinese banks to secure between $800 million and $1 billion in financing to construct its facilities at Istanbul’s new airport, and a deal is almost ready, three sources close to the matter said.
Economía.- Gas Natural no está inmersa en ninguna operación, pero no descarta compras en su plan estratégico
El grupo eleva un 34% su beneficio recurrente a mayo MADRID, 27 (EUROPA PRESS)
Brasile Spagna
Economía/Empresas.- Siemens Gamesa suministrará 136 aerogeneradores a la filial brasileña de Iberdrola
MADRID, 27 (EUROPA PRESS) Siemens Gamesa suministrará 136 aerogeneradores a Neoenergía, filial brasieña de Iberdrola, informó la compañía a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Siemens Gamesa suministrará 136 aerogeneradores a la filial brasileña de Iberdrola
Siemens Gamesa suministrará 136 aerogeneradores a Neoenergía, filial brasieña de Iberdrola, informó la compañía a la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Economía/Macro.- (AMP) El PIB crecerá otro 0,7% en el segundo trimestre, según el Banco de España
Pide evitar políticas presupuestarias expansivas para poder seguir reduciendo el déficit y la deuda MADRID, 27 (EUROPA PRESS)