Ethiopia-Israel Strengthen Agricultural Cooperation
[EA Business] Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -Israel is working with Ethiopia and other East African countries to improve agriculture by developing new technologies such technologies include but not limited to Computer drip irrigation.
DBE Expanding Lease Financing Services to SMEs
[Ethiopian Herald] Lease Financing services are being expanded as the form of Hire -purchased transaction with a view to supporting SMEs in the country ,Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) disclosed.
Experts Call On Ethiopia to Enhance Competitiveness in CFTA
[Ethiopian Herald] Scholars have urged Ethiopia to give utmost priority to produce quality products with the desirable quantity to get positive outcomes from the recently-ratified Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) Agreement.
Private Sector's Viable Role in Housing Development
[Ethiopian Herald] The construction sector plays an immense role in Ethiopia's economic growth and real estate and other construction contributed 12.5 percent in the Gross Domestic Product, according to information obtained from Ministry of construction.
Etiopia Regno Unito
Forex Crunch - Ethiopia's Immovable Object
[Addis Fortune] The recurrent cause of Ethiopia's forex crunch ranges from declining export performance to increasing imports; from declining net official public and private capital to stagnating individual transfers, writes Abdulmena Mohammed (abham2010@yahoo.co.uk), a financial expert with 15 years of experience.
USA Uruguay
America Business Forum reunió a tres mil líderes en Punta del Este
La cumbre de negocios más importante de América Latina reunió a más de tres mil líderes empresariales y políticos en Punta del Este.
Cina USA
China Is Opening Its Car Market. But Not Enough, Say Auto Companies.
Beijing’s plan will change little on the ground and offers a slim chance to become the starting point in talks to avert a trade war with Washington.
Cina USA
US-China trade dispute puts Bain’s Toshiba deal ‘at risk’
Beijing withholds key approval of transaction as Trump pumps up rhetoric
Canada Tunisia
Impegno del G7 per la Tunisia
In occasione della riunione ministeriale G7 di Toronto, il Ministro Alfano ha proposto un coordinamento G7 per incoraggiare l'adozione di misure a favore dell'economia tunisina da presentare al Vertice dei Capi di Stato e di Governo che si terrà in Canada l'8 e 9 giugno p.v.. La proposta italiana è...
Affaire Delphine Boël: première audience en appel ce jeudi, une demande de test ADN sera soumise
Les conseils de Delphine Boël demanderont à nouveau, en degré d'appel à Bruxelles jeudi, que le roi Albert II se soumette à un test ADN. Delphine Boël souhaite prouver qu'il est son père biologique.