Beefing up mobile-phone and internet penetration in Africa
WITH ITS SNAZZY technology hubs and army of bright young programmers, Kenya can rightly claim to be east Africa’s tech startup nation. It was here that mobile money first took off, and it is here that off-grid solar power is making its biggest impact. Even the election in August was ...
Ghana Nigeria
The sharing economy, African style
Appier experience IN HOTEL BARS in many parts of Africa, foreign businessmen like to regale each other with tales about the difficulty of arranging even simple things like accommodation or a safe ride from the airport. The head of a big American investment bank recalls how he bagged the last available ...
Sudafrica USA
Technology may help compensate for Africa’s lack of manufacturing
ALONG A WINDING road down the edge of an airport near Pretoria, South Africa’s capital, is an aeronautical version of a Mad Max world. An old UN cargo plane rusts in a field. Jammed up against fences are aeroplanes of various vintages and states of disassembly. “Airheads” (aviation enthusiasts) scrounge ...
Cina Russia USA Iran
The odds on a conflict between the great powers
Just rattling our sabres DESPITE THE EXTRAORDINARY decline in interstate wars over the past 70 years, many foreign-policy experts believe that the world is entering a new era in which they are becoming all too possible again. But there is a big difference between regional wars that might be triggered by ...
Russia USA
Waging war with disinformation
But which one? THERE IS NOTHING new about either fake news or Russian disinformation campaigns. Back in 1983, at the height of the cold war, an extraordinary story appeared in a little-known pro-Soviet newspaper called the Patriot. It claimed to have evidence that the Pentagon had deliberately created AIDS as a ...
Paraguay Uruguay
USD 80 millones es el negocio en el caso de los peajes
El consorcio denominado Concesionaria de Peajes del Paraguay, integrado por CDD Construcciones SA (Paraguay) y Ramón Álvarez Construcciones SA (Uruguay) percibirá hasta un monto de USD 80 millones, si Obras Públicas continúa con el proyecto de tercerización de los 13 puestos de pesajes.
Debate sobre crecimiento inclusivo y sostenible
Especialistas del Banco Mundial (BM) conversarán este jueves con referentes y expertos locales sobre los recursos y desafíos que tiene el Paraguay para alcanzar un desarrollo de manera inclusiva y sostenible en el largo plazo. El evento se desarrollará desde las 18.30 en el Salón Seúl, piso 20, ...
Juros do cheque especial sobem para 324,7% ao ano
Consumidor deve evitar usar cheque especial. Juros subiram para 324,7% ao ano. Juros do rotativo do cartão de crédito aumentaram para 241% ao ano Arquivo/Marcello Casal Jr/Agência Brasil A taxa de juros do cheque especial continua subindo e chegou a 324,7% ao ano, em janeiro, de acordo com dados do ...
Índice que reajusta aluguel aumenta 0,07% em fevereiro
Usado para atualizar aluguéis, IGP-M subiu 0,07% em fevereiro, mas nos últimos 12 meses acumula queda de –42%Arquivo/Agência Brasil O Índice Geral de Preços do Mercado (IGP-M) encerrou fevereiro com alta de 0,07%, ficando ligeiramente abaixo do registrado em janeiro (0,76%). Neste primeiro bimestre de 2018, subiu 0,83%,mas manteve-se em ...
Keeping savings at home is common practice in Turkey: Customs and Trade minister
Turkish citizens mostly prefer to keep their savings at home, according to a ministerial report made public on Feb. 27.